Bell Ringer Wednesday Oct. 2, 2019 Copy your agenda note Place your personal narrative essay Draft on your desk
Independent Study An independent study is instruction in which YOU work on a specified topic by yourself. Only ask Ms. Stewart or Mrs. Osakwe a question when there is something you do not understand. The next few slides will be an independent study.
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What Are Myths? You will need to open your note book to the writing section. arch?q=what+is+myths+video&qp vt=what+is+myths+video&view=d etail&mid=59B64B4F3643335E374 F59B64B4F3643335E374F&&FOR M=VRDGAR Today, you will view your lessons by watching and listening to three videos.
Click to see your second video 7th Grade Myth Gallery Museum
Click to see your third video As you watch the video, use the Cornell Note taking Strategy, to record ALL of the information about each Greek god and goddess below. Zeus 7. Artemis Hera 8. Hephaestus Poseidon 9. Aphrodite Athena 10. Hades Ares Apollo earch?q=myths+for+middle+sch ool+children+videos&&view=det ail&mid=EC5FC091EB181F7E331 2EC5FC091EB181F7E3312&&FO RM=VRDGAR
Copy your agenda note Complete your Ticket in the Door Bell Ringer Thursday Oct. 3, 2019 Copy your agenda note Complete your Ticket in the Door Place your TID (Ticket in the Door) in your mailbox
Ticket in the Door Question? If you could be a Greek god or goddess, which one would you be and what power would you have? Explain your answer. (Why?)
Bell Ringer Friday Oct. 4, 2019 Copy your agenda note Place your myth notes on your desk. In the writing section, write Myth Independent Study on the top blue line
Independent Study Friday, Oct. 4, 2019 An independent study is instruction in which YOU work on a specified topic by yourself. Only ask Ms. Stewart or Mrs. Osakwe a question when there is something you do not understand. The next few slides will be an independent study.
Today, you are an independent learner. You are going to complete an Ancient Greek god and goddesses research. You will need to write only the questions onto your paper. Be sure to type in the question or key words from the question to retrieve an answer. You may also you use notes from this week to help you.
Work Session Research Independent Study Friday, Oct. 4 Yes, I know that I’m upside down. I want you to learn how to capture your audience attention. Research Independent Study Friday, Oct. 4
7th Period Today, you are going to rewrite ALL of the questions and answers to the Ancient Greek gods and goddesses from yesterday. After you have written the questions, you will write the answer to that question 3 times and draw an illustration that relates to the question. For Example: God of the sun, light, music, and healing Apollo:
Monday Bell Ringer Choose 3 characters from below. Describe who and what the character is known for.
Myths Attempt to Explain Natural Events Think back to our discussion on last week. The Greeks invented stories to describe and explain the world around them. They tried to answer questions like: Why does the sun move across the sky? Why does the moon seem to change shape? What causes the ocean to be calm one day and rage the next? Brief Clip
A Walk on the Beach One summer night, Joe came home for summer vacation to visit his family. To celebrate, his family had a nighttime barbeque and bonfire on the beach. While he was walking along the beach at night, he noticed something odd… the sand was sparkling! Every time he took a step, bright green sparks would shoot from his footsteps. How could Joe find out what caused this?
It turns out that the glowing sand is a type of phytoplankton It turns out that the glowing sand is a type of phytoplankton. Phytoplankton are microscopic animals. However, when they are disturbed, they spark their light. They flash mostly in the summer after the sun charges up their light. Take a trip to the beach one night in the summer and see for yourself!
Click to see the video As you review the video again, check your notes to make sure you have each characteristic matched with the correct god or goddess. Zeus 7. Artemis Hera 8. Hephaestus Poseidon 9. Aphrodite Athena 10. Hades Ares Apollo earch?q=myths+for+middle+sch ool+children+videos&&view=det ail&mid=EC5FC091EB181F7E331 2EC5FC091EB181F7E3312&&FO RM=VRDGAR
Think Back Now that you have learned about 10 or more of the most popular Greek gods and goddesses decide if you would like to keep your first choice or change to a different god. Using a marker, write your chosen character on your desk. Explain how that character can be compared to you.
One Pager What is a one pager? A one pager is where the students take what they’ve learned from a history textbook, a novel, a poem, a podcast, a guest speaker, or a film and put the highlights onto a single (ONE) piece of paper.
Examples of One Pagers
Question 1: Who is the main character and what are the characteristics? One Pager Work Session Question 2: List one major conflict and describe what happened Question 3: Tell how the problem was solved. You will create a one pager myth about the character you wrote on the desk or a make believe character. Answer each question. Title of Your Myth Question 4: What is the lesson you are conveying?
Closing Using the post-it given to you, how can we compare Ancient Greek mythology to our beliefs?