Cognos Analytics 11.1.3 For Report Writers Introduce Yourself – Princeton, CeDAR Cognos Analytics is a web-based reporting solution that allows data consumers to create and run reports. Our data comes from the IW. The warehouse is current as of the close of the prior business day. For Report Writers Center for Data, Analytics and Reporting (CeDAR) Authored by: Leah Targon Updated 9-25-19
Hey, Hi, Hello … Name/Department How many Packages do you work with? Concerns
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change” -Stephen Hawking
Cognos Analytics v11.1.3 Go-Live Date Monday, Oct 28, 2019 Time to upgrade Cognos Analytics v11.1.3 Go-Live Date Monday, Oct 28, 2019 The upgrade to Cognos Analytics a few years ago introduced a new interface to the user. There was a learning curve with major enhancements, for users to grow comfortable with the new environment. This upgrade we anticipate to be virtually seamless. There are a few changes and enhancements to functionality. However, the user will recognize the interface, toolbars and functionality. This session will highlight most of the changes you’ll notice when using Cognos Analytics.
overview CeDAR’s goal is for report viewers/consumers to smoothly transition from Cognos Analytics v11.0.10 to Cognos Analytics v11.1.3. You can still do what you’ve always done – with a few changes we’ll highlight now. This updated version includes enhancements and improvements in functionality.
Browsers Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Safari Now supported: Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge is not supported in the current version 10.0.8. With the upgrade Microsoft Edge will now be supported.
Supported web browsers – v11.1.3 Internet Explorer and Chrome are the recommended browsers. We encourage you to use IE or Chrome as your browser. There has been no negative feedback about Safari. There may be small things that are not reliable like “enabling pop ups” or “adding trusted sites” etc. Any issues, call. Resources (sending links to PDFs)
You will still have to VPN in. Working Remotely? Anyone using Cognos to run reports from home? Off Campus? Cognos should perform as expected if you are VPNed in from a remote location. You will still have to VPN in.
PRIME Financials Reporting Tile How Do You Enter the IW? External Links PeopleSoft STRIPES PRIME Financials Reporting Tile CeDAR Website You will enter the Information Warehouse the same way you do now.
Enter through PRIME PORTAL For those of you who log into the warehouse using the Prime Portal You will still access your financial reports via the Reporting tile.
Staying the Same Reports Data Prompts Schedules Content in My Folders Report Names Folder Directories Run Formats Security There is much that remains the same. Before we talk about the differences that you’ll notice, let’s talk about the things that won’t change.
Enter through the Cedar website Production: Test site (pre-Oct. 28, 2019): For those of you who log into the warehouse via the CeDAR website you will still access your reports this way.
Redesigned user interface Cognos Analytics, V11.0.10 The Welcome info at the top has changed. Quick reference list on the right is removed. The user interface welcome page has been cleaned up a bit. The welcome info at the top has changed. The quick reference link on the right is gone.
Redesigned user interface Cognos Analytics, V11.1.3 The Welcome page now includes a Princeton image. A Princeton image has been added to the Welcome page. The left navigation bar still remains the same including, the Home, Search, My Content, Team Content, & Recent items buttons. The most recent reports that you’ve worked on still appear on the Welcome page when you log in. A Princeton image has been added to the Welcome info at the top of the page canvas. The left navigation bar still remains the same. It contains the buttons for Home, Search, My Content, Team Content, and Recent items. The most recent reports that you’ve worked on still appear on the Welcome page when you log in.
Folders remain the same My Content and Team Content folders remain the same.
improved search functionality The Search feature allows you to search for packages, folders and reports. Search functionality greatly improved with the first Cognos Analytics upgrade. This feature is still easy and effective in helping you find those reports that you just can’t seem to locate.
The Personal menu pull-down includes My preferences. Personal menu options The Personal menu pull-down includes My preferences. My schedules and subscriptions My preferences Log my session My Inbox My Watch Items Sign out A link to Tableau Desktop has been added to the bottom of the navigation panel above the New button. The link takes you to the sign-in page for Tableau Desktop.
My preferences general tab The My preferences window now includes the Show hidden entries option. The default setting is unchecked. If you would like to Show hidden entries you must check the box. A link to Tableau Desktop has been added to the bottom of the navigation panel above the New button. The link takes you to the sign-in page for Tableau Desktop.
New Tableau and New report buttons The new Tableau and New report buttons are at the bottom of the left navigation panel. With this upgrade a bumble bee icon has been added for Tableau users. Cognos users who also have access to the Princeton Tableau server will be able to enter Tableau via this link in Cognos. Search functionality greatly improved with the first Cognos Analytics upgrade. This feature is still easy and effective in helping you find those reports that you just can’t seem to locate. Users without Tableau access will not see this icon.
The New button still gives you the option of creating a: Creating a new report The New button still gives you the option of creating a: Report Dashboard Story Or Other (images, urls, etc.) A link to Tableau Desktop has been added to the bottom of the navigation panel above the New button. The link takes you to the sign-in page for Tableau Desktop.
When we create a new report the Select Sources window is new! Select Sources is New! When we create a new report the Select Sources window is new! The Select Sources window is new! The blue and white Add a Source button remains the same. The Sources and Toolbox tabs now appear above the Select sources window. They are no longer located in the left navigation bar. You can click on either the Add a Source button, or the Select sources button to open the Open file window.
Select your data The Open file window remains the same. Scroll to the data source and select it. The Select Sources window is new! The blue and white Add a Source button remains the same. The Sources and Toolbox tabs now appear above the Select sources window. They are no longer located in the left navigation bar. You can click on either the Add a Source button, or the Select sources button to open the Open file window.
When you open your data window you’ll notice new icons. New data icons When you open your data window you’ll notice new icons. text/string date number When you open your data window you’ll notice new icons. ABC represents a text/string. A clock icon represents a date. A ruler icon represents a number. v
New Find feature in data source tab Your data packages and items are now searchable! As you begin typing an object name (packages, data items) that meet the search criteria begin to populate on the search line. Queries are not searchable.
location Tooltip If you hover over an object a tooltip will show the location for that object. The Middle Name is located in the RDS model, Person Data query subject.
New list feature on report pages You can now create multiple lists on the same report page. You can still drag a list from the toolbox tab. And now you can create a new list directly from the Sources tab.
New list feature on report pages As we drag a data item over to the report canvas you will see a new graphic appear on your report page. Drop your data items into this area to create your first list.
New list feature on report pages When you are ready to create another list drag your data item onto the report canvas. When the new list icon appears drop the data item into this area to create a new list.
New list feature on report pages As you pull over data items you may add them to an existing list or create new lists on the report page. This example is showing 2 lists, with the option of adding another list to the middle of the report canvas.
Report output using New list feature Our report page has 2 lists, both using EmplID. When we run the report we see 2 lists on the report output page.
New location for lock/unlock feature The Lock Page Objects feature is now found on the report page toolbar, next to the Page design feature. Click to lock or unlock the report page objects. It was previously located in the Properties window.
New location for existing report Options The Cog More button is to the right of the Page design button. Many report options are now located in this area. Some options include: Open or copy report Validate report & validate options Options
New locations: On demand toolbar option The Show on demand toolbar is now located in the Options window View tab. The default setting is unchecked. If you would like to use the contextual toolbar you must check the box.
New location: auto group & summary option The Options window Report tab now includes the Automatic group and summary option. The default setting is unchecked. If you would like to use the auto group option you must check the box.
Ancestor button When the Properties window is open in a report you will notice that the Ancestor button drop-down window now begins with the Page and not the Report.
New home for run as button Running Reports The Run as button has a new home! Let’s go to Team Content. Training Data – Reports > Test Drill Through > Dept List (Parent Report) Or go to a report in your package.
Changes to the user interface The “Run as” button is your first selection on the More (…) drop down menu.
Changes to the user interface The “Run as” window now offers a “Run in background” feature. The default setting is Off. The default print setting is to html. The Prompt me button default setting is active, so that users will be prompted if a reports contains a prompt(s).
Run in background selected When the “Run in background” button is activated the Advanced features button appears at the bottom of the window.
Advanced Options The Advanced options window includes: Running your reports Now or Later Languages options Report Delivery options And…
Return of the Classic view Enough customers expressed concern that they preferred the Run with options page in the pre-Cognos Analytics versions. The folks at Cognos heard your concerns. So with this upgrade the Classic View version is again available to users.
Classic view window When you open the Classic View window you’ll recognize the Run with options page from Cognos version 10.
Run with options functions In the Run with options window you can: Select your report format: html, .pdf, Excel, etc. Enable accessibility Set delivery and printer options Select prompt values options
Subscriptions Subscriptions allow a report consumer to receive a report on a regular basis. While Schedules distribute a report to one or more consumers on a scheduled basis, subscriptions are intended for one report consumer. Run a report from Team Content. The Subscribe option is available in the More button pull-down menu.
Subscriptions When the Subscribe window opens you can: Select the days or days you want the report to run. Select the run time. Select a report format. Select your delivery options. View the report prompts Remember to click Create when done.
Report tab in new location The Report tab is located above your report canvas. You now access many objects from this menu including your: Report Pages Prompt pages Queries Classes Variables
Interactivity mode When creating a new report be aware that the Run with full interactivity default setting is Yes. To access the Interactivity setting click on the Report button under the Report tab.
Interactivity mode When the Report Properties window opens go to the Running & Validating section. At Princeton we create most reports to run with Interactivity mode set to No. So you must remember to change the default setting from Yes to No in this version of Cognos.
Changes in edit mode - queries Queries are now located under the Report tab located above your report canvas. Queries are no longer found on the left navigation bar.
Changes in edit mode - queries The Queries page includes your report queries and the Insertable objects toolbox. You can create a new Query by clicking on the Add button above the Query window, or pulling in a Query from the Insertable objects toolbox.
Queries-filters & properties windows When you double click on a Query the Query Filters and Slicer windows open, as does the Query Properties window.
Cognos 11.1.3 These are the changes you’ll immediately notice working in this updated version of Cognos. As you work in our test environment please let us know about anything you notice, that we have not covered today. Happy testing!
Helpful links & Resources 53
Helpful links and resources We in CeDAR are here to answer any questions you may have. In addition, we have provided a few links that should prove to be useful. Resource Link/email CeDAR Website OIT Support and Operations (SOC) Prime Portal Financial Service Center (FSC) Employee Learning Center Information Warehouse (Production) Will be shared/updated on 10/30/2019
questions Questions
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