Administration’s Recommended 2020 Budget Changes September 17, 2019
2020 General Highlights County Tax Levy Net Levy $114.5 million Increase 5.94% LWLP $1.1 million Increase 8.28% RRA $660,000 No Change 0% County Tax Rate (Net Tax Capacity) 28.987% Decrease < 2.3%> County Tax Impact (median valued home) Net Levy $37 Increase 4.6% LWLP $1 Increase 11.1% RRA $0 No Increase 0%
Changes to 2020 Proposed Budget Debt Service Levy GO Bond Debt Service ($116,700) Land & Water Legacy need $40,600 Contingency increase $116,700 Net Change Financial Reports & Budget Summary will be updated in Budget Books following workshop As we shared with the board earlier today, this slide contains the proposed projects to be funded by a 2019 issuance of $31 million in bonds. The major projects in the bond are the library facility in Mahtomedi , and road projects in Woodbury and Oakdale. There is two million dollars to begin improvements at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. These improvements are to the roads, trails and parking areas within the park. The bond would fund over $7 million of the County State Aid Highway 19 expansion project from I -94 to Wynstone. This is a $13 million project in total from all sources. The bond would include $4.3 million for the Hadley Interchange project on Hwy 36. This is an over $20 million project, that includes a federal grant of over $7.5 million and a state grant of $4 million. Bond projects also include improvements to Cottage Grove Ravine Park, and facility improvements at the Government Center and Law Enforcement Center.
Changes to 2020 Proposed Budget Community Services Department - Potential Revenue Family Homeless Prevention & Assistance Program (FHPAP) grant $236,000 Homeless Prevention Contracts (Salvations Army & YWCA) ($236,000) Net Change $0 Once finalized with MN Housing it will be brought to the Board to agree to receiving funds & accepting budget changes As we shared with the board earlier today, this slide contains the proposed projects to be funded by a 2019 issuance of $31 million in bonds. The major projects in the bond are the library facility in Mahtomedi , and road projects in Woodbury and Oakdale. There is two million dollars to begin improvements at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. These improvements are to the roads, trails and parking areas within the park. The bond would fund over $7 million of the County State Aid Highway 19 expansion project from I -94 to Wynstone. This is a $13 million project in total from all sources. The bond would include $4.3 million for the Hadley Interchange project on Hwy 36. This is an over $20 million project, that includes a federal grant of over $7.5 million and a state grant of $4 million. Bond projects also include improvements to Cottage Grove Ravine Park, and facility improvements at the Government Center and Law Enforcement Center.
Changes to 2020 Proposed Budget FTE Updates 2019 Adopted 2019 Mid Year Changes 2020 Deletions 2020 Requested 2020 Proposed County Combine FTE Count 1290.21 5.0 (3.0) 22.52 1314.73 Administration 16.0 0.0 2.0 18.0 Accounting & Finance 18.5 1.0 19.5 Attorney 51.0 53.0 Community Corrections 88.8 Community Services 347.5 3.0 6.25 356.75 44.5 (6.0) 4.0 42.5 Economic Support 96.5 .25 98.75 Social Services - Adult & Disability 104.6 17.9 123.5 Social Services - Children 74.9 (9.9) 66.0 Workforce Center 23.0 (1.0) 22.0 Veterans Services Commissioners General Operations (Internal Auditor/Records Mgmt) 1.6 As we shared with the board earlier today, this slide contains the proposed projects to be funded by a 2019 issuance of $31 million in bonds. The major projects in the bond are the library facility in Mahtomedi , and road projects in Woodbury and Oakdale. There is two million dollars to begin improvements at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. These improvements are to the roads, trails and parking areas within the park. The bond would fund over $7 million of the County State Aid Highway 19 expansion project from I -94 to Wynstone. This is a $13 million project in total from all sources. The bond would include $4.3 million for the Hadley Interchange project on Hwy 36. This is an over $20 million project, that includes a federal grant of over $7.5 million and a state grant of $4 million. Bond projects also include improvements to Cottage Grove Ravine Park, and facility improvements at the Government Center and Law Enforcement Center. Continued…..
Changes to 2020 Proposed Budget FTE Updates 2019 Adopted 2019 Mid Year Changes 2020 Deletions 2020 Requested 2020 Proposed Human Resources 15.0 1.0 0.0 16.0 Information Technology 50.0 (1.0) Law Library 1.5 Library 75.68 74.68 Property Records & Taxpayer Services 103.93 4.77 108.7 Public Health & Environment 89.7 Public Safety Radio Sheriff 259.0 2.5 262.5 Administration 7.0 Investigations 21.5 Jail 87.5 2.0 89.5 Patrol 75.5 .50 77.0 Special Services 67.50 67.5 As we shared with the board earlier today, this slide contains the proposed projects to be funded by a 2019 issuance of $31 million in bonds. The major projects in the bond are the library facility in Mahtomedi , and road projects in Woodbury and Oakdale. There is two million dollars to begin improvements at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. These improvements are to the roads, trails and parking areas within the park. The bond would fund over $7 million of the County State Aid Highway 19 expansion project from I -94 to Wynstone. This is a $13 million project in total from all sources. The bond would include $4.3 million for the Hadley Interchange project on Hwy 36. This is an over $20 million project, that includes a federal grant of over $7.5 million and a state grant of $4 million. Bond projects also include improvements to Cottage Grove Ravine Park, and facility improvements at the Government Center and Law Enforcement Center. Continued…..
Changes to 2020 Proposed Budget FTE Updates 2019 Adopted 2019 Mid Year Changes 2020 Deletions 2020 Requested 2020 Proposed Gold Line 2.25 0.0 Regional Rail 3.5 Public Works 160.25 (2.0) 4.0 162.25 Accounting 7.0 1.0 8.0 Administration 5.0 Building Services 47.0 Parks 23.0 (1.0) 2.0 24.0 Planning 3.25 Surveyor 11.0 10.0 Transportation 64.0 65.0 As we shared with the board earlier today, this slide contains the proposed projects to be funded by a 2019 issuance of $31 million in bonds. The major projects in the bond are the library facility in Mahtomedi , and road projects in Woodbury and Oakdale. There is two million dollars to begin improvements at the Lake Elmo Park Reserve. These improvements are to the roads, trails and parking areas within the park. The bond would fund over $7 million of the County State Aid Highway 19 expansion project from I -94 to Wynstone. This is a $13 million project in total from all sources. The bond would include $4.3 million for the Hadley Interchange project on Hwy 36. This is an over $20 million project, that includes a federal grant of over $7.5 million and a state grant of $4 million. Bond projects also include improvements to Cottage Grove Ravine Park, and facility improvements at the Government Center and Law Enforcement Center. Budget Summaries will be updated in Budget Books following workshop
2020 General Highlights County Tax Levy Current New Net Levy $114.5 million 5.94% 5.94% LWLP $1.2 million 8.28% 12.11% RRA $660,000 0% 0% Total Change 5.96% 6.0% County Tax Rate (Net Tax Capacity) 28.84% Decrease < 2.8%> County Tax Impact (median valued home) Net Levy $32 Increase 4.1% LWLP $1 Increase 11.1% RRA $0 No Increase 0%