15th Meeting of the Working Group of Local Coordinators for Data Transmission 20-21 October 2005 Agenda Item 12 Annual LC survey Jean-Noël HAUX 2
Introduction Importance of this survey: Achievement of goals User satisfaction 30 questionnaires returned
Part 1. General Assessment (1/2) The overall satisfaction is good (73% rated it at level 4 on a 5 degree scale). 70% of respondents qualify the harmonisation policy in data transmission domain as “Effective”. Quality and timeliness of information are rated “good” by the majority of respondents.
Part 1. General Assessment (2/2) The deployment of data transmission projects does not need any organisational change for 77% of respondents. If any organisational change was needed, they were positively perceived. For 53% of respondents, the roll-out, deployment and operation of the data transmission projects require operational changes. If operational changes were required, they were positively perceived.
Part 2. Application & services assessment INSTALLATION
Part 2. Application & services assessment SUPPORT (Help Desk)
Part 2. Application & services assessment FUNCTIONALITY/SERVICES
Part 2. Application & services assessment DOCUMENTATION
Part 3. Technical environment This part will be presented later by Vincent Tronet
Part 4 : Open questions It was underlined that harmonisation policy still needs coordination inside Eurostat. Documentation could be improved. DTC can be more complete, and Gesmes MIGs are not so easy to find on CIRCA. It was asked if tools interface could support other languages. Concerning EDIFLOW, real progress were underline but some improvements are still needed on reporting. GENEDI 2 is very awaited by Local Coordinators