Opening Prayer Macy
Test With Your Parents
Session 5 61-85
Vocabulary betray content contrary covet gospel reveal someone's secrets content satisfied contrary against covet sinful desires gospel Good News of Jesus
Vocabulary Gossip Impenitent jealous (God) law reputation harmful talk, either true or false Impenitent someone who is not sorry for his sins jealous (God) wants us to be faithful to him alone law command reputation what others think about you
Vocabulary sin tempt wrath yield disobedience to God lure; to put to the test wrath anger yield to give up or give in
The Ten Commandments First Table Second Table
What is the topic of the 8th Commandment? Reputation What does God forbid in the 8th Commandment? All kinds of lying and saying something to hurt your neighbor What does God require of us in the 8th Commandment? defend, speak well, put the best meaning on everything
What is the topic of the 9th & 10th Commandments? Contentment What is coveting? Sinful desires What kind of coveting does God forbid in the 9th Commandment? Sinful desires for our neighbor's possessions
What kind of coveting does God forbid in the 10th Commandment? Sinful desires for our neighbor's spouse or workers What does God require of us in the 9th & 10th Commandments? Be content with what He has given us What is God trying to tell us in the last two Commandments? Sinful desire is sin
Why does God call Himself "jealous?" He wants us to worship only Him What do we deserve because of our sins? Damnation; Hell Why does God threaten us and make promises to us? So that we will obey His Commandments
How does God want us to keep His commandments? Perfectly Can anyone be saved by being good (keeping the commandments)? NO
What are the three uses (purposes) of the Law? Curb, Mirror, Guide What is the Chief Use of the Law Mirror, shows us our sin
What is sin? every thought, word, desire or deed which goes against God's Law What are the two kinds of sin? Original and Actual What is original sin? the sin we are born with, inherit from Adam and Eve
What is actual sin? The sins against the commandments that we do What are the two kinds of actual sin? Omission and Commission What is the only way people can be forgiven and have eternal life? Belief in Jesus
Assignment Memory Work The Eighth Commandment The Ninth Commandment The Tenth Commandment #238 Lev 19:2 #250 Ps 119:105 All Commandments & Topic of each Books of Bible
Assignment With Your Parents Confirmation Lock-In Friday 8:00 p.m. Life Verse Assignment
Next Week Opening Emily Closing Myra
Closing Prayer Azaria