In The Know – Developing Digital Resilience Around Gambling and Gaming Intros – Apr 18, OTP, Tele, 3 ed managers Likely you offer support and guidance to pupils around safe sex, mental health and drug and alcohol awareness. But do you deliver anything around the potential risks associated with problem gambling and social gaming? The latest report from the Gambling Commission, published in November 2018, found that 14% 11-16 in E, S, W had spent their own money on a gambling activity in the past week – that equates to approximately 450,000 young people. First report by GC to focus on gam act in past 12 months. 39% of 11-16 yo gambled. The number of children classed as problem gamblers has quadrupled to more than 50,000 since 2016. I’m here to tell you how we can help you inform, educate and safeguard the young people you work with around gambling and gaming. Working with the PSHE Association, ASDAN and Pearson, we have developed the UK's first accredited, gambling and gaming-related harm training course and quality-assured resources. The Young Gamers and Gamblers Education Trust is a national charity with a social purpose to inform, educate, safeguard and build digital resilience amongst young and vulnerable people around gambling and gaming.
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Introducing YGAM We approach our social purpose in three ways: to enhance the UK’s understanding of gambling and gaming-related harm specifically amongst young people to help young people make informed choices through better understanding of gambling and gaming and the potential risks increase awareness of youth gambling and gaming as public health issues with policy-makers, educators and key influencers University & Student Engagement Practitioner Workshops We have three products: Research NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Getting to know you Do you, or have you ever? NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
Overwatch 1:15 chances of opening a rare item like this version of Symmetra. You need 15 loot boxes (cheapest option is 11 for £10 and 5 for £5 = £15 Rocket League 1:101 (at best) chance of getting Black Market item like a Labyrinth Car. That means you are going to have to open at least 101 loot crates so will have to buy at least 101 Rocket Keys – so 5 x 20 key packs at £15.99 each and 1 x 1 key pack at £1.99 = £81.94 FIFA 19 1:102 (at best – EA said chances were less than 1%) chance of getting a Ones to Watch player like Ronaldo. That means you are going to have to open on average at least 102 Gold Player packs – costing 250 points a pack so 2 x 12000 points packs at £79.99 each and 1 x 1600 point pack at £11.99 = £171.97 NB Most players are not going to buy a 12000 point pack though due to the cost and are more likely to buy smaller point packs which cost more on average. Eg a 4600 point pack is £31.99, 500 point pack is £3.99. Some players believe that they have greater "pack luck" when opening packs on the console than on the apps or vice-versa, but the odds are the same regardless of where the packs are opened.
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Advertising “Betting is increasingly seen as a normal part of supporting your team or following a sport.” - Professor Jim Orford, Gambling Watch UK World Cup 90 minutes of adverts 168 Premier League Games televised live in the UK each season Match Of The Day 241 times NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Current legislation 1000+ Apps NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Activity participation and age breakdown Gambling Commission, Young People and Gambling (November 2018) Taken illegal drugs Smoked a cigarette Drunk an alcoholic drink Spent own money on gambling NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Signs of gaming addiction NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Education resources Main education programme and resources for 11 – 25 age group New primary school resources Parental guidance and training One-to-one materials Training films NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Materials - 11-25 year olds Why People Gamble? Probability & Luck The Gambling Industry Money & Debt Addiction & Mental Health Gaming NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Materials - Parents & Families Information Sessions Online Access Family Activities Pro Forma Agreements Family Focus Booklets NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 Certification and Quality Assurance Student/young person certification available for 10 hours or more learning (optional). Participation not qualification. YGAM resources are quality-assured by the PSHE Association. The YGAM training programme is accredited by City & Guilds and Pearson. NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133
NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133 YGAM Academy Home to over 100 resources Lesson plans PowerPoints Infographics Letter to parents Where to get help NATIONAL GAMBLING HELPLINE 0808 8020 133