Black Mountain Parking & Circulation Study Steering Committee Meeting #2 August 27, 2019
Today’s Meeting Goal and vision statement review Planning studies review Preliminary data review and feedback
Meeting #1 Recap What we discussed Town progress Cherry Street Challenges and opportunities in downtown Visioning & goal setting exercise
Vision Statement “ Black Mountain will continue to thrive as an attractive and inviting community with increased accessible and safe parking opportunities that honor its small-town feel; these parking options will be connected to destinations via safe, intentional and inviting routes for people of all ages and abilities. .”
Goals This Plan will achieve the following: Improve safety by reducing the number of crashes involving people walking, biking and driving in Black Mountain Improve parking opportunities for short-and long-term visitors to Black Mountain by maximizing utilization of existing resources and increasing educational opportunities (through signage and/or collateral materials) Ensure connected and safe movement from parking facilities to downtown destinations by foot and bicycle at intersections and along streets
Planning Studies Review Reviewed 19 plans, studies and policy documents Relevance to downtown study area Local, county, regional and statewide plans Ensure that this Study remains consistent with precedent
Planning Studies Takeaways The challenges have been captured through a number of studies Traffic congestion, parking supply Multimodal and transportation recommendations are recurring throughout plans Redundancy is good as it indicates a common theme
Planning Studies Takeaways A lot of work has already been completed Shared parking agreements Greenway expansion There are projects in the pipeline that will contribute to this Study’s goals Blue Ridge Road interchange Cherry St one-way Black Mountain Ave sidewalk extension The policy framework is supportive
Planning Studies Takeaways There are specific recommendations that may be advanced through this project Ie. Sharrows on State St, Ridgeway & State intersection improvements There is regional significance to many of these projects
Preliminary Data Review Implementation & Funding Tips 5/23/2018 Parking lot utilization highest close to Cherry St On-street parking utilization at capacity fronting businesses Parking at Presbyterian Church, Richardson St, and Terry Estate Dr had lowest utilization
Preliminary Data Review
Preliminary Data Review Average Length of Parking: 86 Minutes Average Turnover of On-street Parking: 3.4 Times Parking Times of 4 or more Hours: 34 Percent of On-street Spaces (21 spaces) Additional Short-Term Parked Vehicles: 79 (36 Percent Increase)
SC Meeting #3: preliminary alternatives Next Steps SC Meeting #3: preliminary alternatives Week of September 16 SC Meeting #4: recommendations & implementation plan Week of October 13
Public Meeting #1 Public Meeting #2 Next Steps Tonight! Week of October 13
Next Steps SC #2 PM #1 SC #3 PM #2 SC #4 August September October
Colin Kinton, P.E. 828-575-0133 Kristy Carter 828-776-7374 Rachael Bronson 828-229-1838