BIENVENIDOS EXPECTATIONS & POLICIES 2019-2020 a la clase de español con Sra. Rohman The main objective in Spanish is to develop, reinforce, and refine communicative competency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Cultural competency will also be developed and explored. Goals: ●learn new vocabulary ●build familiarity with grammar ●gain confidence speaking Spanish ●communicate in Spanish in real life situations ●interpret written Spanish GOALS & OBJECTIVES GRADES SUPPLIES NEEDED: FORMATIVE Black notebook (spiral preferred) Black folder Pencils Whiteboard marker Loose-leaf paper Paper Spanish/English dictionary or access to internet Quizzes Tests Projects SUMMATIVE Entrance Slips Exit Slips Homework Practice activities In class work Notes Agedna Entries 20% 80% HELPFUL SUPPLIES: Colored pens or markers Handheld sharpener Scissors Liquid glue or glue stick EXPECTATIONS & POLICIES Cell phones are welcome when used for in class activities. Your teacher will let you know when they can be out and in use. Otherwise, they must be out of sight at all times, otherwise I will hold on to it for your, or take it down the office. 5 P’s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be prompt. Be prepared. Be positive. Be productive. Be polite. Translators like are never allowed, and tend to lead to more errors than clear communication. On the other hand, dictionaries, online or hard copy, are a great tool to help you expand your communication skills! Assignments suspected of getting too much help from Google Translate will have to be re-done. I always expect only what you have learned in class! BOOKMARK IT! CONTACT INFO Passport EMC (through Kyrene Student Resrouces) (Class Website) Profe: Sra. Rohman Phone: Email:
ASSIGNMENTS & LATE WORK ●Due dates are final. ●Assignments should be turned into the Turn In Box for the appropriate class period. ●10% will be deducted for each day an assignment is late . ●Late assignments will not be accepted after the assessment (quiz, project, test, etc.) over that topic. ●Student and Parentvue should be checked weekly. If you are unable to access Synergy, please contact me by phone or email for a paper printed copy. ATTENDANCE & ABSENCES ●When you return from an absence, you should check the folder for work or handouts that you missed. ●If you have any questions, ask a classmate or teacher before or after school. ●Complete the assignment by the following Monday after you return. If you were absent on a Tuesday, you must turn work in on the next Monday. If you are absent on a Friday, you have the entire following week to get and work on your assignment. INTERVENTIONS & DISCIPLINE ●I take my responsibility to teach you Spanish very seriously! It is very important to me that we work together as a team to make the classroom run smoothly and that everyone in the room is treated with respect at all times (especially you!). With a positive attitude, we will have so much fun on our language learning journey. However, when we need to be reminded about our common goals, I may change your seat to give you a fresh start, use an out-of-class refocus, ISI downstairs for the remainder of the period, lunch detention or a phone call or email home. At the end of a student’s 8th grade year, they will take a test written by the Tempe Union High School District. If proficiency is demonstrated on the exam is shown, they will receive credit for Spanish 1-2. This year will be the first year that a newly written test is administered. Additional information about the test will be passed on as it becomes available. The most important thing between now and then is to study and work hard! Send me an email and introduce yourself! Parents, please confirm that you have read this syllabus by sending me an email. I’d love for your email to be your opportunity to introduce your student to me. You know them best! What are their strengths? What do you love about them? Is there anything that would be helpful for me to know? I’d love to stay in touch throughout the year – this is a great chance for you to save my email address in your address book and for me to save yours!