NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE RABI CAMPAIGN 2019-20 20 September, 2019 Kharif Review Rabi Prospects Strategies Dr. S. K. Malhotra Agriculture Commissioner Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, New Delhi
AREA AND PRODUCTION OF CROPS IN 2018-19 (4th estm) Second estimates Area (Million hectare) Production (Million ton) Kharif Rabi Total Rice 39.62 4.17 43.79 102.13 14.29 116.42 Wheat - 29.14 102.19 Maize 7.58 1.60 9.18 19.04 8.18 27.23 Sorghum 1.58 2.26 3.84 1.74 2.02 3.76 Bajra 6.93 8.61 Ragi 0.92 1.22 Small millets 0.50 0.37 Barley 0.61 1.75 Total Coarse cereals 17.51 4.47 21.98 30.99 11.96 42.95 Total Pulses 14.37 14.66 29.03 8.59 14.80 23.40 Total food grains 71.50 52.44 123.94 141.71 143.24 284.95 Total oil seeds 18.20 7.30 25.50 21.28 10.98 32.26
RAINFALL IN KHARIF 2019 South West Monsoon: Rainfall (1st June - 19th Sep) : Actual : 868.2 mm Normal : 829.2 mm Departure : + 5% Flood in 12 States: Flood affected areas in the country in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, HP, Kerala, Gujarat, Uttrakhand, Bihar
AREA COVERAGE: KHARIF -2019 : Today S. No. Crop Normal Area (DES) Normal of Corresponding week Area Sown Increase(+)/Decrease(-) over 2019 2018 1 Rice 396.25 378.55 378.62 383.86 -5.25 2 Pulses 119.89 125.04 132.99 135.41 -2.41 a Arhar 43.00 43.57 45.49 45.64 -0.16 b Urdbean 30.77 34.41 38.46 39.13 -0.66 c Moongbean 27.50 29.51 30.99 34.10 -3.11 e Other pulses 16.44 16.79 17.34 15.92 1.42 3 Coarse cereals 188.39 180.27 178.12 175.02 3.10 Jowar 21.61 18.72 16.86 17.68 -0.81 Bajra 74.39 68.03 65.97 65.28 0.69 Ragi 11.53 10.22 9.77 8.52 1.25 d Small millets 6.18 5.08 4.79 4.93 -0.14 Maize 74.68 78.22 80.72 78.61 2.12 4 Oilseeds 181.96 180.77 178.04 178.17 -0.13 Total 1063.61 1039.68 1054.13 1055.81 -1.68
INITIATIVES FOR PULSES AND OILSEEDS Seed hubs: Pulses (150), Oilseeds (35), Nutri-cereals (25) Breeder Seed production by ICAR / SAUs Certified seed production of pulses 2 lakh quintal (2019-20) under NFSM Minikit of new varieties after 2014 (1.9 lakh) 30 Sept 2019 Cluster FLDs on pulses and oilseeds - KVKs Geotagging Alternate crop plan in WB: Pulses & Oilseeds Targetting Rice Fallow Area(TFRA): Pulses, Oilseeds (1.8 mil. Ha) Oil Palm: Additional area 25,000 ha – 2019-20 Special procurement Scheme “Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan”PM-AASHA Division new name: Crop & Post harvest management of food grains NFSM: EC – National Food & Nutritional Security Mission
CROP PRODUCTION TARGETS 2019-20 (million tonnes) Crops 2019-20 (Targets) Kharif Rabi Total Rice 102.00 14.00 116.00 Wheat - 100.50 Maize 21.30 7.60 28.90 Nutri /Coarse cereals 35.80 12.50 48.30 Total Pulses 10.10 16.20 26.30 Total Foodgrain 147.90 143.20 291.10 Total Oilseeds 25.84 10.26 36.10 Sugarcane 385.50 Cotton (bales) (170 kg /bale) 35.70
REGION WISE PERCENT LIVE STORAGE OF WATER IN MAJOR RESERVOIRS (2018 & 2019) Region 2019 (%) 2018 Northern Region 91 74 Eastern Region 83 Western Region 89 60 Central Region 86 78 Southern Region 82 77 All India 85 10 Years Average 117.65 BCM Live Storage (in BCM) 144.20 124.91 (85%) (74%) Total live storage capacity Full Reservoir Level= 168.77 (BCM) Total reservoirs: 113 97 reservoirs : >80% capacity of normal storage 16 reservoirs : <80% capacity of normal storage (+) 23% change from 10 years Avg. Source: CWC, GOI. As on 19.9.19
REQUIREMENT AND AVAILABILITY OF SEEDS (Rabi 2019-20) Crop Requirement (lakh quintal) Availability (lakh quintal) Deficit/ Surplus Wheat 121.69 139.55 (+)17.86 Sorghum (Rabi) 0.82 0.88 (+)0.06 Chickpea 21.06 23.76 (+)2.7 Black gram 0.96 1.02 Green gram 0.58 0.69 (+)0.11 Lentil 1.53 1.52 (-)0.01 Rapeseed - Mustard 2.05 2.25 (+)0.2 Source: Seed Division, DAC, GOI.
REQUIREMENT AND CONSUMPTION OF FERTILIZERS Rabi 2018-19 Rabi 2019-20 Assessed Requirement (lakh tonne) Total Consumption (lakh tonne) (Tentative) Urea 158.04 162.43 174.00 DAP 49.22 46.00 51.61 MOP 16.55 12.79 17.78 NPK (Complex) 47.94 42.92 50.13 SSP 27.80 16.84 25.33 Source: INM & FMS, DAC, GOI
KEY ISSUES Fall Army Worm- Maize Rogose spiriling whitefly in palms Phalaris minor weedicide resistance in wheat Pink Ball Worm-cotton: Maharashtra, Gujarat Wheat Blast: areas adjoining to Bangladesh Management for Yellow Rust & Karnal Bunt Enforcement of quality standards for seeds pesticides and other inputs Management of crop residues and avoid burning
Paddy Straw Residue Management MACHINES FOR IN-SITU CROP RESIDUE MANAGEMENT Super Straw Management System Hydraulic Reversible M.B. Plough Happy Seeder Paddy Straw Chopper/ Shredder ROTARY MULCHER Shrub Master Rotavator Zero Till Seed cum Fertilizer Drill
FALL ARMY WORM: MAIZE Alert sent to states: States took the action MAIZE in INDIA 27.2 million ton, 9.1 million ha Fall Army Worm (Spodoptera frugiperda) Outbreak in Africa 2016, now in Asia – India, China, Thailand, Myanmar, Pakistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh Entered India 2018: Karnataka, Tamilnadu, AP, Telangana Wide host range 80 species, Polyphagus Alert sent to states: States took the action Surveillance, Monitoring – Pheromones, scouting Contain & suppress insect Avoid staggered sowing, prefer intercropping IPM, Advisory on Website : First 30 days of sowing important Chemical control: Cyantraniliprole 19.8% +Thiomethoxam 19.8% Seed treatment Spinosad 0.3ml/lt Thiomethoxam 12.6% + Lambda cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC 4. Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC Biological control: Spray 5%NSKE/ Azadirachtin 1500 ppm NPV, Metarhizium anisopliae, Entomophaga aplicae, Nomuraea rilevi, Erynia radicans, Bacillus thuringensis, Trichogramma, Telenomus
Rugose Spiralling Whitefly in Palms Intrusion to India: 2016: Kerala, TN, AP, Telangana, Karnataka Polyphagous: Coconut, Oilpalm, Application of 1% starch solution on leaflets to flake out the sooty moulds. Installation of Yellow sticky traps on the palm trunk to trap adult whiteflies. Encourage build up of parasitoids (Encarsia sp.), predator (Dichochrysa sp.) and reintroduction. Spray Entomopathogenic fungus Isari fumosorosea on the affected plants. In severe case, spray neem oil 1% Do not spray unwanted insecticides, it may harm natural enemies.
PREPAREDNESS: Rabi 2019-20 Effective implementation: PMKSY, PMKY, PMFBY, PM Kisan, PM KMDY, PM AASHA, RKVY, E NAM, Machinery, Seeds, NMSA, MIDH, NFSM, NMOOP. Timely arrangement of inputs Seeds, fertilizers, micronutrients, plant protection, machinery. Coordination meeting with line departments (credit, power, irrigation) Preparation for timely crop insurance cover Weekly video conferencing for reviewing crop situation: follow up Mobilizing extension staff for field deployment Convergence with ATMA and other centrally sponsored schemes Implementation & monitoring Close monitoring of flow of funds to ensure timely reach Technical backstopping , capacity building Effective monitoring and feed back Implementation of Direct Beneficiary Transfer (DBT). Preparedness for all possible scenarios
Current favourable condition and better arrangements will again help us to surpass crop production targets in 2019-20 THANK YOU