PSB Digitization Pilot Project Since early 2017 a Pilot Digitization Project has been started. In particular, for the period of 1968 – 1972 when the SI division took care of the design, construction & commissioning phase of the PSB. The idea is as follows: Collaborate with Jens Vigen from RCS-SIS group (The Scientific Information Service) until recently the leader of the SIPB (Scientific Information Policy Board) and Sandrine Rejes from the Cern Archive team for a key word searchable collection of PSB reports. Fjolla Ahmeti helped us during a period of 6 weeks to find the reports, OCR scan them and plug into a special PSB collection in CDS. Most of the missing reports could be found in our PS Archive. In fact, this archive is in the process to be upgraded and in particular we are installing a Printer/Scanner in the room such that reports should no longer be removed from there. It should be noted that sensitive material is still present there that must be removed by HR. The access had to be restricted for both reasons. Alessia and myself have a special key to enter the archive. It is essential that you are using this new facility, send feedback to Jens or myself. Since this might convince the SIPB to allow for a full digitization of all our reports: 811 of ~20’000 are digitized by now. 12.03.2017 SC WG - Frank
Collections and Key Word Search CERN accelerator report collections in CDS: <> Direct Access to the PSB Colltion is via: <> Key words: “damping resistor” "résistance d'amortissement“ 12.03.2017 SC WG - Frank