Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries (GRFS) Aureliano Gentile FAO of the UN Supporting Blue Growth with innovative applications based on EU e-infrastructures 14-15 February 2018, Brussels
Outline What is the GRSF? Achievements of the GRSF development Uptake Outcome Exploitation plan 13/12/2019
Boost stocks and fisheries status and trend monitoring What is the GRSF? The GRSF is an inventory of global stocks and fisheries records across multiple data providers The GRSF aims at providing an innovative environment supporting the collaborative production and maintenance of a comprehensive and transparent inventory of stocks and fisheries records that will boost regional and global stocks and fisheries status and trend monitoring as well as responsible consumer practices. Boost stocks and fisheries status and trend monitoring 13/12/2019
Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries What is the GRSF? Data providers and part of the GRSF development Fisheries and Resource Monitoring System (FIRMS) (partnership of international organizations, regional fishery bodies) the RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database (Univ. of Washington) FishSource (program of the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership) Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database FishSource Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries 13/12/2019
What is the GRSF? The GRSF user interface & Competency Queries Collated data from either national or regional sources Information stored according to data standards and protocols; to allow comparability between records Assignment of Unique Identifiers for single stock and fishery standard identifications Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System (FIRMS) RAM Legacy Stock Assessment Database The GRSF user interface & Competency Queries Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries (GRSF) FishSource The GRSF Knowledge Base The Database Sources 13/12/2019
What is the GRSF? Assignment of Unique Identifiers for standardized identifications of stocks and fisheries Universally Unique Identifier - to respond to whatever global IT standard Example Semantic Identifier – product labelling, records identification & validation, etc. Standard coding system for: - Stocks <Species> + <Assessment Area(s)> - Fisheries <Species> + <Fishing Area(s)> + <Management Entity(ies)> +Jurisdiction area(s)> + <Geartype> + <Flag State> Example of semantic identifier, and of its full label asfis:COD + fao:21.3.M + grsf-org:INT:NAFO + rfb_comp:NAFO + isscfg:OTB + iso3:LTU Gadus morhua - Atlantic, Northwest/21.3.M - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) - NAFO area of competence - Bottom otter trawls - Lithuania 13/12/2019
Data coverage What is the GRSF? GRSF Stocks - 2856 Fisheries - 9564 Assessment Unit Marine Resource Fishery Fishing Unit Fishing Description GRSF Knowledge Base FishSource ZZZZ RAM YYYY FIRMS XXXX GRSF Stocks - 2856 Assessment Units - 2063 Marine Resources - 793 Fisheries - 9564 Fishing Units - 6503 Fishing Descriptions - 3061 The quality control and information cleaning work is in progress (e.g. identifying/connecting duplicates), and about 2,000 records for unique stocks and 6,000 for fisheries are expected at the end of that process.
Achievements The GRSF interface Part of iMarine Data Catalogue, open source CKAN software 2 VREs (Virtual Research Environment) the “GRSF” VRE for the public users with approved records the “GRSF Admin” VRE for authorized users to manage and validate the GRSF records The GRSF Knowledge Base is built with MatWare (FORTH semantic web technology using ontologies) The "GRSF knowledge base", is an RDF triplestore (semantic warehouse) based on well established ontologies (i.e. MarineTLO) 13/12/2019
Achievements The GRSF VRE collaborative environment allows contributions in a data validation workflow facilitates updates add transparency through source and ownership metadata, proper citations and credits 13/12/2019
Uptake FIRMS Steering Committee (June 2017, FSC10) decided to consider to take ownership of the GRSF FIRMS, the Fisheries Resources Monitoring System is a Partnership between Regional Fisheries Bodies with the goal to “facilitate the monitoring of the status and trends of all fishery resources.” - The BlueBRIDGE & FIRMS Technical Working Group joint meeting (Feb. 2018) made recommendations for a FIRMS ownership of the GRSF with a governance model and an integrated Knowledge base. 13/12/2019
Unique identifiers for Stocks and Fisheries Outcome Unique identifiers for Stocks and Fisheries Species: Gadus morhua Species code: COD Fishing Area: FAO 21.3.M Management Authority: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Jurisdiction: NAFO area of competence Fishing Gear: Bottom otter trawls Fishing Gear code: OTB Flag State: Lithuania Flag State Code: LTU ID: asfis:COD + fao:21.3.M + grsf-org:INT:NAFO + rfb_comp:NAFO + isscfg:OTB + iso3:LTU UUID: -- ---- --- Potential use of unique identifiers for product labelling 13/12/2019
Outcome The infrastructure provides services that make the GRSF a unique system to: Access a comprehensive global information repository on fish stocks and fisheries Harmonize with standards and collate data from independent repositories Generate Unique identifiers for stocks and fisheries records Provide a web-based collaborative environment for multiple contributions in a data validation workflow Disseminate transparent information with source and ownership metadata, proper citations and credits, and respect of ownerships Facilitate Users to access a huge amount of quality data collected in a cost-effective way with distributed effort among authoritative sources Contribute to international initiatives such as the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (14, 17, …), the State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA), ... 13/12/2019
Outcome Potential audiences RFBs and their member states Seafood industry (from suppliers to retailers) National agencies of governments dealing with stocks and fisheries reporting Researchers and Officers working on global analyses on state of fishery resources NGOs promoting sustainable fisheries General public 13/12/2019
Outcome Potential benefits A global standard for Unique Identifiers of stocks and fisheries: i) a Universally Unique Identifier, machine readable code to respond to whatever global IT standard, and ii) a Semantic Identifier, human readable code with standard codes and labels; Support to dissemination and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 14.4.1 “Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels”; Support to traceability needs including catch documentation schemes, ecolabelling schemes, food safety, sustainable fisheries; Expected to boost stocks and fisheries status and trend monitoring and promises to stimulate responsible consumer practices. 13/12/2019
Outcome The GRSF community Under the UN initiative on the Sustainable Development Goals, a FIRMS expanded partnership steering the Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries will increase the global coverage of stock status monitoring, while providing for traceability, transparency, consistency and comparability of stocks status information, which will aid countries to disseminate information on national monitored stocks thus promoting their efforts to render their fisheries sustainable and deliver information services to countries, RFBs, FAO and various public and private partners/users 13/12/2019
Exploitation plan Exploitation plan The GRSF VRE will be gradually populated with data validated by experts under specific criteria. A pilot content will be released by April 2018 Present GRSF at side event of FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI, July 2018) Finalize the governance and sustainability model proposal for final decision by the FIRMS Steering Committee (FSC11, early 2019) Compile requirements and implement GRSF Services for target business needs Launch of GRSF to the public upon FSC11 clearance 13/12/2019
謝謝 Merci Thank You Благодарю ¡Muchas Gracias! شكرا 謝謝 Merci Thank You Благодарю ¡Muchas Gracias! 13/12/2019