Medical Cannabis Project Change Request for Certification and Release of Funds October 24, 2019 Kent Augustine, DOH PMO Bureau Chief Dominick Zurlo Ph.D., MCP Director Mary Elliott, Project Manager 1190 S. St. Francis Drive • Santa Fe, NM 87505 • Phone: 505-827-2613 • Fax: 505-827-2530 •
Overview BioTrack THC is the software vendor for Medical Cannabis Program (MCP) Supports management of Patient Services and Licensing & Compliance of Licensed Non-Profit Producers Implemented in DEC 2015 The application provides functionality for the management of: 35 producers and 94 dispensaries; and Approximately 72,000 active patients Prior Project Objective: Implementation of a comprehensive system to replace the BioTrack THC software system.
Program Challenges Exponential patient growth from 12,000 (2015) to 72,000 today; expected to continue Manual, paper-based application process for patients, caregivers and PPLs generates an average of 300 applications per day MCP Staff constantly pressed to process applications within 30-day mandate Increasing program costs Expenses for data entry, clerical support, overtime, and filing Constantly changing rules and regulations Makes strategic and operational planning difficult
Revised Project Goals True-up project management services through Dec 2019 Implement SB406 required changes to BioTrack system Reset priorities addressed by the project: Post-pone full system replacement; focus on major pain points Create public facing portal for on-line application processing, inquiry and PPL applications Create capability for on-line patient certification by providers Improve workflow efficiencies for MCP Staff by providing the capability to; Print ID cards in batches Upload documents to support applications Process only “completed” applications Generate e-mail communications and notifications to participants
Estimated Timeline Milestone Estimated Date Project Phase SOW for Best Option Selected Oct 2019 Initiation
Change Request Amount Project Deliverable Budget Due Date Project Management Services (FY19-20) $167,000 Dec 2019 Previously Certified: $0 Amount Requested: Funds will be appropriated from the MCP Operating Budget