How to create effective thesis statements
Thesis statements MUST directly answer the prompt. be one sentence long. be in present tense. be the last sentence in your introductory paragraph. NOT be a rhetorical question. be written in 3rd person (no “I,” “you,” etc.). be addressed to an educated but uninformed audience. BE LEVEL TWO! Hint: To create a level 2 thesis, you must answer the question “So what?”
The 3-Pronged Thesis Specific Topic + active verb + 3 prongs / main points / specific stance on your topic = Effective Thesis
Example 1: Literary contemporaries William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson exhibit similar styles of language, character development, and plot execution. = Effective Thesis Specific Topic + active verb + 3 prongs / main points / specific stance on your topic = Effective Thesis 1 2 3
Example 2: Because it emits no greenhouse gasses, causes no atmospheric pollution, and harms no water or aquatic life, nuclear power provides the cleanest source of energy to meet the demands of the twenty-first century. = Effective Thesis 3 prongs / main points + Specific Topic + active verb + specific stance on your topic = Effective Thesis 1 2 3
A Note about Parallelism: The 3 points in your thesis must be written in parallel structure. Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that 2 or more ideas have the same level of importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. The usual way to join parallel structures is with the use of coordinating conjunctions such as ‘and’ or ‘or.’
Keep Your Sentence Structure Parallel! Example 1- Not Parallel: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and to ride a bicycle. Parallel Fix: Mary likes hiking, swimming, and riding a bicycle. Example 2- Not Parallel: The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and in a detailed manner. The production manager was asked to write his report quickly, accurately, and thoroughly.
Your Turn! How are stories/books/the library significant? As you watch the short film, take notes that will help you answer this question: How are stories/books/the library significant?
The 3-Pronged Thesis The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore illustrates the importance of stories because stories ________________, _____________________, and _______________________________________________________________. Specific Topic + active verb + 3 prongs / main points / specific stance on your topic = Effective Thesis 1 2 3
How are stories/books/the library significant? Writing stories is a way for him to reflect on his own life & set goals for the future Writing his own stories brings order to his life Books add color to Morris’s life (literally) Books lift people up (sometimes literally) Books can be companions, even friends Books lead Morris on a journey Books invite Morris on adventures Stories save the day, allowing Morris to begin life anew (allegorical) Caring for books provides satisfaction & a vocation (librarian) Books allow Morris to escape his everyday life Sharing books provides a way to connect w/ others Book confirm his beliefs (that everyone’s story matters) Books provide a source of comfort & solace Books provide consistency The books take care of Morris in his old age The books provide a sympathetic ear Books allow him to return metaphorically to his younger years The stories Morris reads and writes live on forever even after he moves on
How are stories/books/the library significant? Writing stories is a way for him to reflect on his own life & set goals for the future Writing his own stories brings order to his life Books add color to Morris’s life (literally) Books lift people up (sometimes literally) Books can be companions, even friends Books lead Morris on a journey Books invite Morris on adventures Stories save the day, allowing Morris to begin life anew (allegorical) Caring for books provides satisfaction & a vocation (librarian) Books allow Morris to escape his everyday life Sharing books provides a way to connect w/ others Book confirm his beliefs (that everyone’s story matters) Books provide a source of comfort & solace Books provide consistency The books take care of Morris in his old age The books provide a sympathetic ear Books allow him to return metaphorically to his younger years The stories Morris reads and writes live on forever even after he moves on
The 3-Pronged Thesis The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore illustrates the importance of stories because stories offer comfort, provide an escape, and endure even after the main character moves on. Specific Topic + active verb + 3 prongs / main points / specific stance on your topic = Effective Thesis 1 2 3
Your turn! Read at least 2 (3 for honors) picture books For each one, brainstorm a list: How are stories/books/libraries/librarians important to the characters? Choose the 3 most important items on your list Plug those 3 items into the formula for a 3-pronged thesis Specific Topic + active verb + 3 prongs / main points / specific stance on your topic = Effective Thesis
Your turn! Place a star (*) next to your best thesis statement and turn them all into the inbox on Mrs. Preusser’s desk. Hint: Did you remember to underline the books’ titles?