The Elements of Fiction
So....What is fiction?
What is Fiction? Fiction is the telling of stories that are not real. It may be based on real people, real events in history, or real places, but the events in the story did not take place.
The Elements of Fiction Plot Setting Characters Conflict Theme Point-of-View
Plot The plot is the sequence of events in the story. Introduction Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution
Setting The setting is the time and location in which the story takes place. The setting sets the tone for the story.
Characters All fiction stories have characters. These characters can be entirely fictional or may be based on real, historical people. Protagonist- the main character Antagonist- The character directly opposed to the main character.
Character Development Round vs. Flat characters Round- complex and realistic. Flat- unrealistic; lacking the depth of a round character. Dynamic vs. Static characters Dynamic- Character who changes significantly throughout the story. Static- Character who doesn't make drastic changes throughout the story.
Character Development Fiction writers develop their characters by: Showing the character's actions. Showing the character's thoughts. Showing another person's thoughts about the character.
Conflict The struggle between opposing forces. Conflict drives the plot of the story. Man vs. Man Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society Man vs. Self
Theme The central message or underlying meaning that the author wants to convey to the reader. The subject is the topic on which the author chooses to write. The theme, however, makes some statement about or expresses an opinion on that subject. May be implied or stated directly.
Point-of-View The voice of the story First Person Third Person Objective Third Person Limited Third Person Omniscient
Sub-genres of Fiction Contemporary Realistic Fiction Historical Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Short Story Horror Mystery