Gaming Control Board June 26, 2013 Replacement Gaming Central System Project Certification Request Gaming Control Board June 26, 2013
Gaming Central System History & Current State The Legislature, enacting Article 2E, the Gaming Control Act, specified the provisions in section 60-2E-43, requiring a Central System, developed by and run by the State at its own expense. To achieve this mandate accordingly, the Gaming Control Board, using the RFP process, procured a Central System consistent with the act and currently operates this tool as the center piece for regulation of all Gaming Operations licensed by the Board. Current contract awarded to Scientific Games Inc (SGI) for the AEGIS (Advanced Video Gaming Management System); October 2004 AEGIS piloted at Sunland Park with a limited number of machines; November 2004 opened new casino in Hobbs with 600 machines. The AEGIS (Advanced Electronic Gaming Information System) is an electronic computer system designed to monitor the status, performance and control of non-tribal gaming machines in the State of New Mexico. The system collects pertinent data and uses the data to calculate gaming taxes due. In addition the system tests and configures game information; such as maximum bet, maximum prize, and game selection and provides an accurate, immediate verification source of gaming machine data. At the close of FY12 Q4 AEGIS was actively monitoring 3,233 machines at 5 racetrack licensees and 55 non-profit gaming operators. From initial installation to close of FY12 Q4, a total of $410,166,111 in revenue has been identified and submitted to TRD for collection. The current software maintenance contract expires December 2013.
Gaming Central System Future State The Board is committed to provide its licensees a Gaming Central System that incorporates the latest in technology, network security, real time processing, data management and the versatility to use the industry standard protocols to support the latest game offerings. The main business and related technical objectives for the modernization of the Agency central monitoring system are to: Improve staff productivity; Reduce the cost for system maintenance and future development; Improve customer (racetrack, non-profit & distributor licensees) satisfaction with Gaming Central System; Support for new upcoming industry adopted protocols.
Legislature Approved Funding for FY14 (Laws 2013, Ch 227, Sec 7(14)) Gaming Central System – Implementation Plan Legislature Approved Funding for FY14 (Laws 2013, Ch 227, Sec 7(14)) RFP Issued on June 14, 2013; RFP Submissions due by July 29, 2013; Contract Award by August 15, 2013; IV&V Selection in process; contract in place prior to RFP Submissions; Will help identify Risks and Mitigation strategy Project Manager – Need will be evaluated post award of RFP;
Gaming Central System – PCC Actions Requested -- Approve Certification Request for Gaming Central System Project Initiation and Planning Funds will provide for IV&V services and if deemed required a 3rd party Project Manager Planned project start date is August 19, 2013