Our team! RSG RAS/EL RLG/KR Mrs Green Mrs Staniforth Mrs Gall Mrs Cottrall Mrs Loveridge Miss Robinson Miss Lawson Mrs Samme Mrs Walker Miss Hutchinson Mrs Greer Teachers and teaching assistants will be available during the start and end of the school day to talk to should you have any concerns or queries. Alternatively, you can use our phase email: if these times are not suitable.
Rose Hill Website You will find this presentation and all the documents referred to tonight on our school website. Look for Meet the Teacher
About us! Dates for your diary: Parents Evening – 18th November and 21st November Weekly communication: Weekly newsletter- available on PING and the school website. Reading diaries Before and after school Tapestry
A typical day in Reception 8.30-8.40 Self register 8.40-8.55 Whole group welcome/Calendar 8.55-9.00 Shared interest 9.00 - 9.10 Wake and shake or circle game 9.10-9.205 Input 9.25-9.30 Plan - photographs 9.30-10.45 CP/ rolling snack/ FG (rotate adults at 10.15) 10.45-11.00 Tidy up / Review 11.00-11.15 Dough gym 11.15- 11.35 Phonics 11.35-11.45 Rhymes / Wash hands and line up for Lunch 11.45-12.50 Lunch 12.50-12.55 Register 12.55-1.15 1.15 -1.20 Plan – photographs 1.20- 2.15 CP/ FG 2.15-2.30 Tidy up / review 2.30-2.50 Story sack / guided reading 2.50-3.05 Ready for home/reflection Children come and find their name on the carpet in the morning. Children have an input in the morning and afternoon on the carpet. This is led by the teacher. This ranges from: Writing, Maths, Topic, PE and PSHE Phonics is taught daily in Reception. Children follow phonics sessions to develop their phonetic awareness as they begin to form letters, sounds and write. Adults run guided and focused sessions with targeted children to ensure that observations are made whilst they are in provision.
Continuous Provision Each area of the classroom has different activities set up for the children: RSG (kitchen, reading area, writing area, technology) RAS/EL (Maths, construction, sand, water) RLG/KR (Role play, creative station, puppet theatre, writing area) Enhanced to ensure progression Used to promote learning in all areas of Development Matters
Development Matters From birth to the end of Reception Age bands overlap – all children working at the expected level at the end of Reception will meet the Early Learning Goals (ELG) Split into Prime and Specific areas Characteristics of effective learning Exceeding statements These statements will be shown, where appropriate, when an observation is uploaded to Tapestry. These observations are recorded and the continuous provision is set up to allow the children the opportunity to meet the development matters stateements,
Development Matters
Phonics Split into 6 phases - learn phoneme (sound) to (letter) grapheme correspondence – learn diagraphs (two letters, one sound) - alternative spelling and pronunciation for graphemes - tricky words Jolly phonics actions Daily sessions Sessions are taught by teachers and supported by teaching assistants. Children have the opportunity to apply their learning through weekly writing inputs and the option of visiting the writing station at any point of their continuous provision. At times, when guided or in a focus group, children will be encouraged to take part in writing style activities that link with their phonological awareness
Reading Daily reading sessions- guided or with a story sack. Weekly with teacher or TA Children all listen to a story daily as part of our Reception timetable. We use Reading strategy cards to help develop the children’s skills. Books changed Monday and Friday as long as noted in your child’s reading diary Word packs are sent home for children to develop their recognition of particular words and sounds. These are assessed and changed in school when appropriate. Stretchy Snake “S-t-r-e-t-c-h” it Out! • Stretch the word out slowly. • Put the sounds together to figure out the word!
Maths Maths is taught 3 times weekly at Rose Hill (carpet input sessions) Delivered by a teacher Children are encouraged to build upon their existing knowledge by engaging in input sessions and visiting the maths stations in continuous provision We use a range of different equipment and resources to support your child’s maths development, all of which can be accessed after specific input sessions. Maths knowledge is developed over time and is very thorough to ensure that children are gaining a deep understanding of number, shape and pattern in preparation for the national curriculum that begins in Year 1.
Topic We think that Topic is really important at Rose Hill. We are particularly passionate about getting to know your children and their interests and therefore our Topics are considered as ‘fluid’ and may change on a weekly basis. We observe the children and talk to them about their interests and as a team, decided on a weekly topic. This could remain for a few weeks or just be a stand alone week, dependent upon the topic. We then use the topic to enhance our topic sessions and give the children opportunities in their provision areas to explore the topic more. Please check our weekly newsletter for an update of our weekly topics.
Tapestry Add observations Like or comment Link to Development Matters Observations link to the children’s learning and the development matters statements You can login to your Tapestry account and look at what your child has been doing Please note that there will be some weeks where your child’s Tapestry will feature more observations than others. Please be assured, this doesn’t mean that your child is not being observed, we just have specific focus children on some weeks.
Questions Positive Feedback Thank you for coming. Questions Positive Feedback