Statistical databases in theory and practice Part IV: Modelling the contents and structure of official statistics Bo Sundgren 2010
Modelling the contents and structure of official statistics Or: How to design ”correct” and globally consistent SDMX Data Structure Definitions Or: Navigating in a space of statistical surveys of society Or: Reality as a statistical construction Based on a paper by Bo Sundgren, Statistics Sweden ICES-III, Montreal, June 18-21, 2007
A generic conceptual model of society as reflected by official statistics (1)
A generic conceptual model of society as reflected by official statistics (2)
Statistics Canada: Agents, Events, Things
UNESCO model version 1 (to be revised)
What can a statistical agency do, in order to help a user - find potentially relevant statistical data? - judge the relevance of data retrieved? Provide overviews of available data Provide search tools Provide informative metadata
Contents By Example (based on a simple generic model) Complex objects Utilities Actors
Everything ”clickable” OBJECT VARIABLE Righthand click Lefthand click Select: object variable Retrieve metadata: definition value set, classification questionnaire quality declaration survey documentation
Part IV: Extra material Bo Sundgren 2010