FEATURES OF THE NEUTER The neuter gender appears in second and third declension There are NO neuters in the first The neuter is ALWAYS the same ending in the nominative and the accusative case In the plural, the neuter ending is “A” for all declensions
A SECOND DECLENSION Baculum Baculi Baculo Bacula Baculorum Baculis
A THIRD DECLENSION Onus Oneris Oneri Onere Onera Onerum Oneribus
LET’S TRANSLATE The danger is great. (Periculum est magnum.) I fear the great danger. (Ego terreo magnum periculum.) The dangers are great. (Pericula sunt magna.) I fear the great dangers. (Ego terreo magna pericula.)
AND MORE….. The burden is great. (Onus est magnum.) I carry the great burden. (Ego porto magnum onus.) The burdens are great. (Onera sunt magna.) I carry the great burdens. (Ego porto magna onera.)