AGENDA Presentation title Welcome and Introductions Roll out of Early Education for 2 year olds update Provider Support – consultation BREAK Workforce development update Early Years Teachers- Derby University Early Years Consultation Group – feedback Future agenda items Evaluation Presentation title
Provider Support review Informed by proposed changes to statutory duties of local authorities from September 2014:- Local authorities are required to: Secure information, advice and training for providers to enable them to: Meet the requirements of EYFS Meet the needs of vulnerable children, inc SEND Be effective in their safeguarding practice Focus on those settings that are less than ‘Good’, newly registered, and those not having met Ofsted registration requirements. Local authorities have the power to offer support, advice and training to other providers at their request; Local authorities have the power to make reasonable charges for such support/training.
CONSULTATION EXERCISE – (25 mins) TABLE- TOP CONSULTATION EXERCISE – (25 mins) Nominate someone to make notes and feedback 5 key points.
Future agenda items