Market Position Statement Halima Wilson - Commissioning Officer Halima Wilson – works in Strategic Commissioning Team at Nottinghamshire County Council
Aimed at existing social care providers and new providers. What is it? Aimed at existing social care providers and new providers. It includes the local authority view of current provision in the social care market, what the gaps are and the type and quality of services and support needed for the future. A Market Position Statement (MPS) is an analytical document aimed at both existing social care providers who want to plan their future business as well as new providers who may want to enter the local market. It includes the local authority view of current provision in the social care market, what the gaps are and the type and quality of services and support needed for the future. You can find this document at: MPS Page 2
Background Co produced with NCC teams and informed by care providers National guidance around best practice –Institute of Public Care Analysis of population data and trends via Joint Strategic Needs Assessments (JSNA) Legislation – Care Act 2014 Research – review of other MPS We worked with internal teams such as Commissioning, Procurement, Public Health and Market Management to gather the most up to date content. We engaged with social care providers to draft the Market Position Statement. They provided regular feedback at forums throughout 2017/18 and in one to one meetings. We reviewed the latest Institute for Public Care guidance around the content of a good Market Position Statement which should include demand, current market overview and what the local authority is doing. We analysed local population data in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessments(JSNAs) which provided a detailed analysis of Nottinghamshire’s population, demographics and future service requirements. We reviewed the Care Act 2014 which requires local authorities to develop a vibrant sustainable market. Duties include market shaping, market oversight and contingency planning in the case of provider failure. Equal rights of carers is important. Focus on well-being and prevention. We reviewed other councils’ Market Position Statements to identify areas of good practice.
Local population data and trends Older Adults People living longer but with greater levels of ill health and disability Number of older people increasing Number of older carers increasing Number of older people who live alone increasing Deprived areas have poorer health and wellbeing outcomes People living longer but with greater levels of ill health and disability for longer period of time. Men spend around 18 years of their life in poor health and women it is 21 years Number of older people increasing Number of older carers increasing – the majority of carers who provide over 50 hours of care are 65+. They are more likely to have poorer health than those who do not care. Number of older people who live alone increasing Deprived areas have poorer health and wellbeing outcomes So what is the data and trends telling us? What should we be doing to support older adults? MPS Page 5 and 6
Local population data and trends Younger Adults People living longer but with greater levels of ill health and disability Number of people with autism and behaviour that challenges increasing 2/3 of population is overweight Deprived areas have poorer health and wellbeing outcomes People living longer but with greater levels of ill health and disability Number of people with autism and behaviour that challenges Increasing 2/3 of population is overweight Deprived areas have poorer health and wellbeing outcomes So what is the data and trends telling us? What should we be doing to support younger adults? MPS Page 5 and 6
ASCPH Strategy 2019-21 Helping people to help themselves Provide good quality information to all Promote healthy lifestyles to reduce risk or delay the onset of disability, dementia and frailty Focus on early intervention and prevention e.g. START service Promote self management and self care Encourage participation in local communities Prevent isolation and loneliness Supporting people to maximise their independence Promote digital technology, aids and adaptations Focus on short term rapid response service – Home First Focus on carer services Focus on day service offer Helping people when they need it Support people to stay in their own home for as long as possible Support people to access Direct Payments Increase range of social care options if needed e.g. use of Personal Assistants, micro providers, housing with care, housing with support, homebased care and care homes ASC strategy sets the future direction of social care support for adults in Nottinghamshire. It underpins all commissioning work for adult social care in the Council and follows the principles below. We will fund discretionary services where there is evidence that they prevent, delay or reduce the need for care and support. When commissioning services we will: Place a greater emphasis on achievement of outcomes and value for money Aim to maximise people’s independence and take their preferences into account but the funding will be determined by the most cost effective care package We will reduce the demand for long term care in the community by commissioning or providing services that support independence such as housing care/support.
ASCPH Priorities for 2019-21 Improve wellbeing through prevention and promoting independence and choice Improving mental health services Supporting older adults hospital discharge Keeping people in their own homes Supporting carers Creating day support opportunities Increase use of digital technology Increase use of Direct Payments Increase number of Personal Assistants and Microproviders We know what the population data and trends are telling us and we also have to bear in mind budgetary constraints and the direction of travel in the ASC Strategy. Important to improve wellbeing through prevention and promoting independence, choice and control. How? Improving mental health services – mental health is a key area regularly mentioned in the press as a big issue. We are reviewing services, reduce number of people in secure hospital etc. Supporting older adults hospital discharge – we know people get better in their own homes and we need to alleviate the pressures on hospitals Keeping people in their own homes, avoid the need to move unnecessarily, help them remain independent but still support their care and support needs. Help people to stay in their own communities for longer. Supporting carers Creating day service opportunities Increase use of digital technology Increase use of Direct Payments, Personal Assistants and Microproviders MPS Page 2,3 and 4
Key Messages We need providers to: Read through the MPS, share it with others in your organisation and understand what it means for your business Understand, listen and be involved in your local community Support people to live healthy lifestyles and prevent the need for social care Focus on enabling and reabling people resulting in increased independence and wellbeing Embrace digital technology to provide a wide range of innovative social care options Recruit and retain a good quality, stable workforce to work in social care Register with Source Nottinghamshire or EastMidstenders and fully understand how the NCC procurement processes work Understand the financial context we are working in Provide more dementia provision, end of life care and nursing provision Read through the MPS, share it with others and understand what it means for their business Support people to live healthy lifestyles and prevent the need for social care Focus on enabling and reabling people resulting in increased independence and wellbeing Embrace digital technology to provide a wide range of innovative social care options Recruit and retain a good quality, stable workforce to work in social care Register with Source Nottinghamshire and fully understand how the NCC procurement processes work Understand the financial context we are working in – efficiencies need to be made to meet budget cuts, do more with less money. Provide more dementia provision and nursing provision Think about how you are doing the things above?
Key Messages for Care Home Providers Promote independence within your care home Think of other ways of using and promoting the services in your home Increase dementia and end of life care provision Care homes are closing but the number of home places remains consistent because of new care homes being built. We don’t need any more residential care homes. We have an oversupply in Nottinghamshire. There is an increasing number of vacant beds. The impact of people staying in their own homes for longer means that the Council will place fewer people in care homes. Promote independence Improve dementia and end of life care Contact your local district or borough Council and Nottinghamshire County Council before thinking about planning or building any more care homes. Think carefully about what you will do about decreasing occupancy rates in your home.
What can you do about the decreasing care home market? Change your current service provision Consider service gaps highlighted in the MPS Use a community asset mapping tool to find out what is in your local community and how you can add value to everyone in your community for example; Can you diversify? Can you use your staff differently? Can you support carers in other ways? Can you offer day support services? Think about the ideas in this slide. Do you want to change your service provision? Do you want to meet the gaps highlighted in the MPS and also in your community.? Use a community asset mapping tool to explore what your local community needs and how you could meet that need e.g. day service opportunities, carer support, short breaks etc. Other homes have done this and provided a place based resource to local community which improved the life of existing residents by building their connections but also expanded business opportunities for care home. Can you use your staff differently? Can they work as home care workers? Personal Assistants? Can you use their expertise differently? Can they meet more complex needs? Can you support carers in your community? Attend your activities with the person they’re looking after or give the carer a break by looking after the person? Can you offer other services to your community such as hairdressers, a cinema, café, community garden, rent out space for local groups, classes, luncheon club, art sessions etc. Use Facebook to advertise what you are doing?
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