General Services Department State Purchasing Division Paperless Procurement System (e-Bid) Phase I - Sourcing Director Project Certification Implementation Phase Status Update February 26, 2014
Paperless Procurement Phase I – Project Overview Project Goal: Phase I - Implement 3rd party COTs Sourcing Director Software; Provide vendors an online registration system Provide vendors the opportunity to submit electronic responses to State of New Mexico Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Invitation to Bids (ITBs) Improve response times and business efficiencies Increase vendor competition for State business to realize best value and cost contracts for the State of New Mexico public entities Business Problem: State Purchasing Division conducts competitive solicitations in a manual paper-based process that is error-prone and extremely time and labor intensive No online bid response and sourcing capability is available Vendor tracking is currently done manually which is inefficient and inconsistent All response to bids and RFP’s are hard copies in a large file room
Paperless Procurement Phase I – Project Overview Governor’s Executive Order 2011-031 Task Force on Procurement Reform: “Whereas, the State of New Mexico has an opportunity to develop a world-class procurement system that enables government to operate more effectively and efficiently” “Whereas, the State should develop procurement processes that shorten administrative lead time, are streamlined,, and take advantage of automation to the greatest practical extent” Agency Strategic Plan: Goal 1 – For SPD Strategic Plan is to Implement automated and paperless procurement processes; including electronic bid and proposal capability SPD Performance Measures: Percent of all price agreement renewals considered for “best value” strategic sourcing option Percent of customers satisfied with the procurement process
Paperless Procurement Phase I – Project Overview Desired Outcomes: Improve service delivery to constituents Improve productivity Reduce risks associated with paper records Develop tools to streamline data entry, tracking and reporting from the database Develop tools to streamline performance and other specific business process workflows Provide a secure repository for response copies/contracts with full back- ups and redundancy Provide automated process to validate vendor commitments for services and products Green Solution: Eliminates copying and paper submittals
Paperless Procurement Phase I – Project Overview Phase 1 Sourcing Director Phase I A (Vendor Registration) – 3/01/2013 Phase I B (RFX Sourcing Event & Business Assessment) - 1/14/2014 Final Configuration of screens and system functions for SPD business needs Business Assessment was conducted to review and assess the business needs and probability of successful implementation of the following modules; Sourcing Director, Contract Management & Authoring, Total Supplier Management Phase 1C (Bid Tabulation, Evaluation and Contract Award ) – Pending w/Target Completion Date – 6/30/2014 or earlier
Paperless Procurement Phase I – Project Overview Project Accomplishments to Date 2,500+ vendors have registered online out of 1,800 previously registered; vendors continue to register in central database E-mail notification of solicitations are being delivered to vendors based on commodities Reporting capability implemented Increased efficiencies in SPD backend business processing and online access for vendor registration Phase IA (Online Vendor Registration) - Complete SPD now has a centralized database that houses supplier information who have registered online expressing an interest to conduct business with the State of New Mexico Phase 1B (RFx Sourcing Event – Online Procurement uploads/downloads) - Complete SPD can now post new ITBs and RFPs on-line and automatically notify vendors, receive responses, with the near future ability to evaluate and award contracts through the online system. Project Issues/Concerns Continued Business Process re-engineering efforts by SPD Ongoing Vendor training Completion of Phase 1C – Bid Tabulation, evaluation and Contract Award targeted for end of FY2014
Phase I Projected Budget
Appropriation History
Project Next Steps Long-Term Plan Delivered to SPD from Project Manager that provides roadmap for the continued enhanced use of the online system: Guidance for continued expansion of use of functionalities inherent in the software product Suggested timeline for the full implementation of additional functionalities; Bid tabulation, Evaluation and Contract Award Recommendations for internal support structure Full support of the Governor’s 2011-031 Task Force on Procurement Reform
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