Finish line Drawings Documents Title Cover
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True or False You can use a 3 ring binder for your portfolio
The cover to be used for all TSA Competition Portfolios Should be a _________ Front Report Cover.
Your _______ should never be included ANYWHERE on the front cover of your TSA Portfolio.
True or False: Portfolio covers for TSA Competition Are described in the Regulations Section of EVERY TSA Competitive Event.
________ is the preferred Language Included in All TSA Portfolios for TSA Competitive Events.
The First page in your TSA Portfolio is the _______ page.
True or False: The Title Page of your TSA Portfolio Should be Colored and difficult to READ.
The Cover Page and the Title Page of your TSA Portfolio should have the _______ of the Competitive Event.
True or False: The Cover Page and Title Page of your TSA Portfolio should ALWAYS have your NAME on it.
The ________ of the TSA Competition, and the ________ of the TSA Competition should always be included on the Cover and Title pages of your TSA Portfolio
A ______ of Contents should always be included in your TSA Portfolio.
Make sure you place a Page _______ for every page in your TSA Portfolio, except for the Cover and Title page.
True or False: Make sure your documents are all written in cursive for your TSA Portfolio.
True or False: Pages of various sizes are accepted in your TSA Portfolio, especially if they hang outside of the cover.
A full description of ALL the documents needed in the TSA Portfolio for your competitive event can be found in the ___________ section of the TSA Competitive Event Description.
True or False: You should include every drawing for your event; no matter what the rules state.
Make sure that all of your drawings should fit inside your report _______ of your TSA Portfolio.
True or False: Only YOU can decide how many drawings you should include in the TSA Portfolio.
The Most Important People reading Your TSA Portfolio documents are the Event ________. Be kind to their Aged eyes!
“Go/NO go” means that you could be _____________ for not including all documents in your TSA Portfolio for Event Competition.
True or False: References cited for your TSA Portfolio should be included as the last pages of your Portfolio.
True or False: Don’t forget to include your name of every page of your TSA Portfolio.
True or False: Your TSA Portfolio should always include pictures of yourself and of your TSA Advisor.
You should always start your TSA Portfolio when you BEGIN / END your TSA Event Project, to make sure of its accuracy and completeness.
True or False: Portfolios for TSA Event Competitions are not worth any points towards your Final Score and should be IGNORED!