Mapping existing production, consumption and related Sub-Systems - Discussion Gernot Hutschenreiter Head, Country Innovation Policy Reviews Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation Working Group “Understanding and Managing Industrial Transitions”, Inception and Review Methodology Validation workshop, Sevilla, 9 July 2019
30 OECD Innovation Policy Reviews completed across the world
Recent OECD Innovation Policy Reviews in European countries
Features of the OECD Innovation Policy Reviews Systems perspective (open national innovation systems, in some large-country reviews including regional case studies) Common framework but customisation to specific needs of the country reviewed Multi-dimensional approach (innovation; education; industry; energy; environment; investment & finance) Drawing on in-house and external expertise (consultants and other experts) worldwide Policy domains covered: framework conditions for innovation + “dedicated STI policies” + interactions (“policy mix”) Evidence base: Combination of quantitative (data-based) and qualitative analysis (incl. mapping of the innovation system at aggregate level and of groups of innovation actors) Demand-driven
OECD Innovation Policy Reviews are dialogue oriented The Reviews contain strong elements of dialogue with the country reviewed: Joint definition of Terms of Reference. “Background Report” to be provided by the country following an agreed-upon structure. Country visit(s) of the Review team (OECD staff + consultants) and interviews with ”stakeholders” from all parts of the innovation system. Stakeholders workshops in various phases of the review process. OECD Peer Review. Presentation and discussion of results at conferences in the country. Re-visits after some time if requested, follow-ups, including second- round reviews.
What countries ask to see more of Impact of digtalisation / disruptive technological change (“Next Production Revolution”, Industry 4.0 etc.) involving large-scale transformations. Grand societal challenges: Need for transformation of systems; articulation of demand for innovation, inclusion of new actors, new types of programmes and coordination. Issues of “upgrading” / diversification of the economy (e.g. in resource-based and lagging economies; but also advanced economies, e.g. as result of disruptive technological change, shifts in demand etc). Long-term strategic orientation and governance.
Thematic focus in recent OECD Innovation Policy Reviews Austria 2018 Current state and expected impact of Industry 4.0 (and “Next Production Revolution”). Possible implications for the future of the research and innovation institutions and the innovation policy mix. Norway 2017 Contribution to the assessment and revision of the “Long-term Plan for Research and Higher Education 2015-24”. Finland 2017 Comprehensive review with a focus on the assessment of post-crisis developments in various parts of the innovation system (esp. in the business sector); institutional change (VTT, universities, TEKES, RIC etc.) and other STI policy responses; and their impact. Based on most recent empirical evidence.
Thematic focus in recent OECD Innovation Policy Reviews Sweden 2016 Follow-up on the full innovation policy review 2012. Zooming in on important policy initiatives of the “Research and Innovation Bills” 2008 und 2012: Increase in “block funding” for university research; strategic research areas; strategic innovation areas; the challenge-driven innovation programme; strengthening the role of Research Institutes. Netherlands 2014 Full innovation policy review with a focus on the “Top Sectors” policy as a “new industrial policy” emphasising coordination.
Factors of success of a Review The probability of success of a review tends to be higher in the presence of a strong and determined (set of) partner(s) in the country reviewed broad support – across the government and among innovation stakeholders embeddedness – in a timely manner – of relevant political processes (e.g. as an input in the development of an innovation strategy; specific reform agendas / processes) a productive, multi-stage process of dialogue sound evidence-based assessment (“mapping”)
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