Water economics State-of-play of ongoing studies Lie Heymans Meeting of the Strategic Co-ordination Group Brussels, 8 November 2018 Lie Heymans European Commission Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV) Unit C1 « Clean Water»
BLUE2 Part A close to being finalised Part A: The economics of EU water policy Part B: Development of an integrated method for the socio-economic assessment of policies A2: The value of water in the EU economy A3: A methodology for testing the costs and benefits of measures A4A: Assessment of the Water Productivity Index A4B: The economic impact of different water allocation options
OECD study on investment needs Phase 2 just kicked off Scope: Water supply and sanitation: quantification and projections Floods: qualitative assessment Phase 1: Assessment of investment needs and means to finance these => MS consulted on fact sheets (workshop May 2018) Phase 2: Deepening of understanding in some particular MS and bringing actors together => 10 MS workshops (09/2018 - 06/2019) Finalisation: 06/2019: EC/OECD regional roundtable on investment needs and financing strategies in the water sector Q3 2019: Publication final report
Thank you for your attention! Contact: lie.heymans@ec.europa.eu