OPSS Evaluation Sheet Oral Presentation Skills Sessions TOTAL POINTS _______/100 NAME ____________________________________ ID# ______________________________________ TOPIC ___________________________________ SECTION _______ OPSS 1 Grabber Opening 10- 6 5-3 Comments Credibility Proxemics Voice tone, volume, speed Non-verbal: kinesics Posture, Appearance Grabber quality, relatedness Eye contact Total = OPSS 2 Grabber & Trans. 10- 6 5-3 Comments Credibility Proxemics Voice tone, volume, speed Non-verbal: kinesics Posture, Appearance Grabber quality, relatedness Eye contact @ grabber Transition word, eye contact Total = 1 slide only OPSS 3 Grab,Trans.w/slide 10- 6 5-3 Comments Credibility Proxemics Voice tone, volume, speed Non-verbal: kinesics Posture, Appearance Grabber quality, relatedness Eye contact @ grabber Transition word, eye contact Quality of Slide Pointing, Explaining Total =
OPSS Evaluation Sheet Oral Presentation Skills Sessions TOTAL POINTS _______/100 NAME ____________________________________ ID# ______________________________________ TOPIC ___________________________________ SECTION _______ Intro. + 3 Slides OPSS 4 Grab,Trans, Slides, Profession Closing, Q&A, Follow Up 10- 6 5-3 Comments Credibility Proxemics Voice tone, volume, speed Non-verbal: kinesics Posture, Appearance Grabber quality, relatedness Eye contact @ grabber Transition word, eye contact Quality of Slide Pointing, Explaining, Referred Credibility Proxemics @ closing Signal Word & Formula Ending Thanks. Ask for Questions Answering Quality, Using Tactics if necessary (Turn back, Repeat, etc.) Follow up. Thanks. Within 5 min. Time Limit Total = Total = Instructions for scoring: Add up the 4 OPSS scores from the 4 boxes. Divide that total by 370. Then write that number over 100. For example, if your total score is 340. Divide 340 by 370 which = 91.90/100 = 91.90 Do not round off. You can go to 2 decimal places. I will round off for your final score. THEN . . . Write that total score on the FRONT PAGE, TOP LEFT.