Housing and Roma inclusion EESC hearing Andrey Ivanov Brussels, 14 October 2019
The analytical framework
The challenge of Roma inclusion Multidimensional issue requiring an integrated ‘human development’ approach bringing together poverty reduction, social inclusion and fundamental rights agendas poverty human rights unemployment social exclusion marginalization segregation discrimination anti-gypsyism rights awareness access to justice
The multidimensional challenge of Roma inclusion Living conditions Health Education Productive employment Higher aspirations Anti-discrimination Access to justice Decreased prejudice Individual areas mutually reinforce each other Roma are worse off in virtually all areas of life They are worse off both that their non-Roma neighbours and the “average citizens” in the respective MS
Key housing characteristics
Housing: overcrowding Average number of rooms per person in a given household (excluding kitchens) FRA 2018. A persisting concern: anti-Gypsyism as a barrier to Roma inclusion
Housing: access to tap water People living in households without tap water inside the dwelling (%) FRA 2018. A persisting concern: anti-Gypsyism as a barrier to Roma inclusion
Housing: access to basic sanitation People living in households without a toilet, shower or bathroom inside the dwelling (%) FRA 2018. A persisting concern: anti-Gypsyism as a barrier to Roma inclusion
Housing: access to electricity People living in households with electricity supply (%) FRA 2018. A persisting concern: anti-Gypsyism as a barrier to Roma inclusion
Correlates of housing characteristics and other dimensions of Roma inclusion
Locality and ‘being in employment’ Activity status of Roma aged 16–24 by living conditions (%) FRA 2018. Transition from education to employment of young Roma in nine EU Member States
Locality and level of education Highest completed education 16–24 by living conditions (%) FRA 2018. Transition from education to employment of young Roma in nine EU Member States Activity status of Roma aged 16–24 by living conditions (%) FRA 2018. Transition from education to employment of young Roma in nine EU Member States
Living conditions and level of education Highest completed education 16–24 by living conditions (%) FRA 2018. Transition from education to employment of young Roma in nine EU Member States
Locality and ‘being in employment’ Activity status of Roma aged 16–24 by living conditions (%) FRA 2018. Transition from education to employment of young Roma in nine EU Member States
Living conditions and ‘being in employment’ Activity status of Roma aged 16–24 by living conditions (%) FRA 2018. Transition from education to employment of young Roma in nine EU Member States
Roma housing in a global context: SDG6
Thank you!