EXSC 314 Chapter 4 The Shoulder Girdle PPT Series 4b
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle Five muscles are primarily involved in shoulder girdle movements: Trapezius Rhomboids Levator Scapulae Serratus Anterior Pectoralis Minor The Subclavius muscle is also located In the shoulder girdle, but is not a primary mover. All muscles originate on the axial skeleton and insert on the scapula and/or the clavicle. These muscles do not attach to the humerus and do not cause shoulder joint actions These muscles are essential in providing dynamic stability of the scapula so it can serve as a relative base of support for shoulder joint activities such as throwing, batting, and blocking.
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Location and Action Anterior Thorax Pectoralis minor - Abduction, downward rotation, and depression. Subclavius - Depression
Serratus anterior - Abduction and upward rotation Posterior and lateral Thorax Serratus anterior - Abduction and upward rotation
Trapezius Rhomboids Posterior Thorax Levator scapulae Upper fibers - Elevation and extension of the head Middle fibers - Elevation, adduction, and upper rotation Lower fibers - Adduction, depression, and upper rotation Rhomboids Adduction, downward rotation, and elevation Levator scapulae Elevation
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Trapezius Muscle
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Trapezius Muscle
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Trapezius Muscle Video
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Levator Scapulae Muscle
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Rhomboid Muscles - Major & Minor
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Rhomboid Muscles - Major & Minor Actions of the Rhomboids: Major and Minor
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Serratus Anterior Muscle
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Serratus Anterior Muscle Action of the Serratus Anterior
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Pectoralis Minor Muscle Action Video Next Slide @ 3:55
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Subclavius Muscle Go to 5:17 in video for Subclavius
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Principle Movements Abduction Upward Rotation Pectoralis minor Serratus anterior Adduction Downward Rotation Middle trapezius Lower trapezius Rhomboid Rhomboid muscles
Muscles of The Shoulder Girdle : Principle Movements Scapular Elevation Scapular Depression Levator scapula Lower trapezius Upper trapezius Pectoralis minor Middle trapezius Rhomboid END of PPT SERIES 4B