Wednesday - January 30th, 2019 Write in your agenda. Homework – Check to make sure you can access SpringBoard from home using the directions on the blog. Check your grades. If you are absent, get your assignments from the blog. 1. Make sure you sit in a desk with your number. Get out your bell ringer. Cross out Tuesday’s date. 2. Get out your evidence tracker. If you were absent Monday and did not print one from the blog, please come and get one. 3. Put all of your other books in or under the basket with blue agenda page on top. 4. Complete the bell ringer. Write in blue or black pen only, and fill the space by the correct date. Bell Ringer – Without using your notes, write everything you have learned about Expository/Explanatory Writing. You may want to include information from Ms. Inman’s lesson. Paper Distributors – When you are finished with your bell ringer, please hand out notes for the evidence tracker. Ticket Managers – When you are finished with your bell ringer, please draw three tickets.
Evidence Tracker Notes and Reminders Review: What am I doing Evidence Tracker Notes and Reminders Review: What am I doing? Why am I doing it? Standard and learning goal - You are gathering evidence in order to develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. You will use your notes and evidence tracker(45%) to guide you in gathering and organizing research for an essay we are writing on the topic The Role of Advertising in the Lives of Youth. The essay will have an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You will use NoodleTools to create a works cited page. The Role of Advertising in the Lives of Youth – subtopics/body paragraphs Youth – singular or plural – what do we know? When we use the word do we mean one or two or do we mean all young people? Each body paragraph will be about one of the subtopics. The research lends itself to the following subtopics. Health - emotional impact/self-image Subtopic 1 - How does advertising affect the mental and/or physical health of youth? Family and social relationships - Amount of ads/time/distraction Subtopic 2 - How does advertising to young people affect their social relationships and family life? Spending habits Youth want specific products Subtopic 3 -How do advertising techniques used by marketers affect the habits of youth?
Remember: Choose strong evidence: "They spend about $1 billion a year on food ads aimed at teens, according to a 2012 report." Would this be considered strong evidence? Why? When writing titles, use the rules for capitalizing titles. I have written them for you, so copy them correctly. Do not use the same article twice You have three sections – keep each topic together in a section, but skip around depending on what you find as evidence. Periods 1, 2, and 3 – Numbers 18-35 will use Cobb Digital today. 1-17 will use SpringBoard. We will switch tomorrow. Periods 4 and 5 – Numbers 13 -24 will use Cobb Digital today and 1 – 12 will use SpringBoard. We will switch tomorrow.
Main Topic: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Evidence Tracker – Use Noodletools to cite the article and add it to your project. Subtopic #1 Title & Author of Text Page Number Quote/Evidence Scholastic “Attack of the Ads” Joe Bubar Notice the italics and the quotation marks. Why did I capitalize the words Attack and Ads? Why not capitalize of and the? When would one capitalize The? You will find the original page number on the PDF version of the article or in the citation you copy for NoodleTools. “The Nielsen Company tracked the number of food ads that kids saw in 2015. It found that kids watched nearly 12 food ads on TV each day. Most of these ads weren’t for healthy foods.” Remember – A quote used as evidence should not be changed in any way. You are using quotation marks to show that you copied it word for word from the text/article. If there is an error in the text, you will not correct it. If 1st person pronouns are used or contractions are used, you do not change it. It must be exactly like the text/article. However, in your commentary, you will use formal writing only. No first person and no contractions.