Project Certification Planning Phase August 27, 2014 GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Facilities Management Division AiM Assessment & Needs Analysis (ANA), Capital Planning & Project Management (CPPM), and AiM IQ Project Project Certification Planning Phase August 27, 2014
FMD MISSION & Performance Measures “To ensure that the citizens of New Mexico and state agencies receive the best value in design, construction and management of state-owned and leased facilities. To provide clean, safe, energy-efficient work environments for our employees and customers and to support the sustainability, energy efficiency, and capital improvement of state facilities.” Performance Measure : Ability to manage capital project performance at the portfolio or individual level Reduced cost of maintaining state facilities Improved rate of return on capital investments
ANA/CPPM/IQ Project-Funding
ANA/CPPM/IQ Project Governance Structure
AiM ANA/CPPM/IQ Project Summary Deployment of the CPPM, ANA and IQ modules will support New Mexico, GSD and FMD objectives by: Providing transparency for all project costs; Improving and increasing fiscal controls; Providing leadership with greater visibility into and financial accountability for capital projects; Ensuring statutory and regulatory compliance; and Streamlining the Capital Planning and Project Management processes. These modules will be utilized statewide to improve the management of capital projects, and will enable State Agencies to access and view their respective projects and relevant data.
ANA/CPPM/IQ Project Overview Project Goals and Objectives Enable FMD to balance capital priorities with fiscal constraints, and track projects to the lowest level of detail; Provide seamless integration of FCA’s with Strategic Planning and Capital Projects; Provide detailed information on appropriations & allocations from multiple funding sources; Provide transparency to Consultant contracts and amendments; with linkage to budget components, including invoicing against contracts; Enable ability to track Construction contracts by budget line item; Provide transparency to all issues, submittals, RFIs, commission plans, change proposals, change directives, architect’s supplemental instructions, change orders, applications for payment and punch lists;
ANA/CPPM/IQ Project Overview Project Goals and Objectives Facilitate FMD’s ability to unify property data, deferred maintenance backlog, project data and FCA’s into a single, integrated database; Provide accurate and up-to-date FCA data; Real-time calculation and update of the Facility Condition Index (FCI) as work orders and capital projects are funded; Consistent facility and asset nomenclature state-wide; AiM IQ will provide transparency across FMD, facilitate integrating data from other systems, and identify areas of productivity opportunities
ANA/CPPM/IQ Project Overview Technical Specifications: Open Architecture - infrastructure that will allow for data flow between AiM modules and allow for 3rd party products to interface with AiM for a “as evident” seamless architecture and scale to allow for growth Customer Portal and Web-Based System – resides on a public facing network with the web based platform front-end to enable FMD Agency customers and contractors to view data specific to their project and/or facility; Database Standards - System database will comply with GSD and AiM supported platform standards of MS SQL 2008 R2 or higher Efficiency, High Performance – Application will be deployed on current GSD ESX 5.5.1 VMWare platform Embedded Report Tool - System will have an embedded report writing tool for ad hoc and standard reports. System will interface to the GSD Department standard Busines Objects software report writing tool as required for greater access and reporting capabilities and data analytics. Regularly scheduled reports may be generated upon request or demand Authentication – AiM System supports Microsoft Active Directory Redundancy – GSD virtual server infrastructure supports system fail over Security/User Roles – AiM supports a secure front end user system log in and security role level authentication
ANA/CPPM/IQ – Projected Budget
ANA/CPPM Project Certification Approval Thank you Request Approval for the Release of $420,000.00 for the Planning Phase