AP English Language and Composition Wednesday, January 28th, 2015
Partner-Score Homework Read & annotate: Intro to Justice and Civil Liberties (CA p. 385-386) U.S. Supreme Court: Plessy v. Ferguson (CA p. 418-421) U.S. Supreme Court: Brown v. Board of Education (CA p. 424-426) Reminder: Be honest and accurate in your scoring Record the score on the text and on the rubric Initial next to the score on the rubric
U.S. Supreme Court Cases: Comparison You may work in partners or small groups, but every person is responsible for completing his/her own work (individual papers). Write a short summary (2-4 sentences) of EACH court case. Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast the two court cases. Do this “AP Style”!! At least five items in each of the 3 sections Identify AND explain the items Synthesize the information in your Venn Diagram and write a short paragraph (4-6 sentences) to compare the two court cases.
Homework Due Friday, 1/30/15 Due Monday, 2/2/15 Annotations: Lincoln – “Gettysburg Address” King, Jr. – “I Have a Dream” Due Monday, 2/2/15 Précis (3 parts) Lincoln King, Jr. Annotations: Anthony – “Women’s Right to Vote” Chief Seattle – “Message to President Franklin Pierce”