Vocabulary #13 #61-65
61. mundane Definition: ordinary, commonplace Part of speech: adjective Sentence: You should try to keep your life from becoming mundane by constantly trying new things.
62. nonchalant Definition: calm, casual, seeming unexcited Part of speech: adjective Sentence: Even though I knew I was really scared, I tried to stay nonchalant, so as not to upset the children.
63. novice Definition: apprentice, beginner Part of speech: noun Sentence: The novice ice skater fell down constantly – she was bruised and soaked by the end of the lesson.
64. opulent Definition: wealthy Part of speech: adjective Sentence: They lived in opulent surroundings.
65. orator Definition: lecturer, speaker Part of speech: noun Sentence: I was chosen to be the main orator at the conference.