Leadership Coaches. Application Form What is your name? Leadership Coaches. Application Form What is your name? Where do you live? What is your phone number? What is your email address?
Job title Who you worked for What year? What other jobs have you had? Who did you work for? When was this? Job title Who you worked for What year? What training have you taken part in that might help you to do this job?
This is the most important part of the application form. This is where you tell us why you are the best person for this job. We will ask you about each thing on the What Type of Person Are We Looking For list. Tell us as much as you can about what skills, knowledge and experience you have. You can tell us about work or volunteering you have done in the past as examples. You need to show us that you have experience of as many of these things as possible. Give examples of when you have worked well as part of a team. How did you make sure everyone could contribute and do their best?
What skills do you have to speak up in front of other people, and share your experiences of learning disability or autism? How do you show that you believe in equality and rights for everyone no matter who they are? How good are you at standing up for what you believe in?
What experience do you have of doing research to find out things you don’t know? When have you used your skills to be kind and supportive to other people?
Tell us about your experience of travelling around the North East. It is fine if you need support when travelling. What experience do you have of challenging things you don’t agree with? Give examples of disagreeing with people without falling out with them or having a row.
What training courses have you been involved in planning? What was your role? What training courses have you been involved in delivering? What skills did you use?
Give examples of when you have been creative and come up with good ideas Tell us about your communication skills. Tell us what skills you have using the phone and a computer
Learning disability Autistic person Both Why do you think you are the right person for this job? Do you have a learning disability, are you an autistic person or both? Tick a box Learning disability Autistic person Both
Please name two people who can write a reference for you: Address: Email: Phone: How you know them Name: Address: Email: Phone: How you know them
If you have any questions about the job please contact Please return your form to us by 5pm on 9th October 2019 Inclusion North Unity Business Centre 26 Roundhay Road Leeds LS7 1AB 0113 244 4792 info@inclusionnorth.org Please nominate two people who can provide you with a reference: If you have any questions about the job please contact Name: Address: Email: Phone: How you know them Name: Address: Email: Phone: How you know them Kirsty Morgan Project Support Coordinator Kirsty@inclusionnorth.org 07539 063467