SOS SERVIS Phase 3 - Modernizing the NM Election System Continuing the Success of the SOS State Elections, Registration & Voting Integrity System (SERVIS) Presented by Greg Rockstroh - Technical Lead, and Kari Fresquez - Executive Sponsor
Project Description Scope is to implement a modern, centralized voter registration and election management system that: Replaces the current (expensive) statewide Voter Registration System Consolidates a number of smaller election support systems Uses South Dakota’s TotalVote system as the basis for SOS SERVIS 2 2
Business Problems Disparate election systems and vendors Many manual processes for data sharing Increasing election costs coupled with recurring budget shortfalls Significant reliance on vendor support Inflexible COTS software with expensive maintenance and enhancement costs Voting Convenience Centers do not fit the current software 3 3
Benefits of SOS SERVIS Improved access to elections data Reduced maintenance costs Flexibility to interface with new systems Establish standardization and uniformity in critical election administration areas Improved data integrity by validating voter information with external data interfaces 4
Where are We Now? Software development for 5 major modules and UAT sessions completed in August, 2017 System end-to-end testing (2 sessions) completed in September, 2017 Production environment build complete Test data migration completed in August, 2017 UAT for data interfaces and Ballot-on-Demand data exchanges in progress with completion scheduled for early October Training for end-users (State and County) to commence mid-October Production Rollout December 4, 2017 5
Components of Phase 3 Voter Registration Management Module Election Management Module Enhancements Public Access Portal Data Exchange with external entities National Voter Registration Act Compliance More Granular Roles and Permissions Online absentee application processing 6
Change Request Rationale Key factors influencing schedule (S) and budget (B) adjustments include: FY16 election demands on key project stakeholders (S) Limited personnel resources (S) Complex and incomplete requirements (S) Complexity and number of data exchanges (S) Mandate for Online Absentee Application (S) Continued IV&V and Project Management services for FY18 (B) 7
SOS SERVIS Phase 3 Schedule 8
IRIS Project Expenses 9
Project Budget Notes FY14 had a budget surplus of $28.9K. That surplus could not be rolled into future years, as the funding source was operational funds. FY15 appropriation funds were totally expended. The project’s C-2 funding of $1.4M was dedicated to Phase 3 activities in FY16 – FY17. That appropriation was extended during the FY17 legislative session to cover FY18 expenses. Not all contracts were fully expended in FY17 due to schedule slippage, and those unexpended funds were rolled into the FY18 project budget. After rolling over unexpended funds, the project had a shortfall in FY18 of $32K, due to the additional deliverables of FY18 IV&V and Project Management services. No additional deliverables or costs for Development were added to the project for FY18. 10
PCC Change Request Details The SOS requests approval to extend Phase 3 of the SERVIS Project from June 30, 2017 to December 31, 2017 Fund certification request: $32,034 11
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