SOS IRIS Phase 3 - Modernizing the NM Election System Continuing the Success of the SOS Integrated Reporting & Integrity System (IRIS)
Project Description Scope is to implement a modern, centralized voter registration and election management system that will eliminate duplicate data entry, reduce manual processes, and better integrate the components of conducting a statewide election. Replace the current (expensive) statewide Voter Registration System and a number of other disparate election related software components and allow for seamless transition between candidate data, ballot preparation, ballot on demand data, election results reporting, and electronic canvassing using a single system. Use South Dakota’s TotalVote system as the basis for SOS IRIS - provides the benefits of a “from scratch” customized system without the high cost. 2 2
Business Problem Disparate election systems and vendors Many manual processes for data sharing Increasing election costs coupled with recurring budget shortfalls Significant reliance on vendor support Inflexible COTS software with expensive maintenance and enhancement costs Voting Convenience Centers do not fit the current software 3 3
IRIS Accomplishments – 2014 Election Cycle Statewide Candidate Filing System Automated Ballot Exports Public Results Reporting Result canvassing Statewide Recount Results Capture End-to-End Election Testing 4 4
Benefits of SOS IRIS Improved efficiency Reduced costs Establish standardization and uniformity in critical election administration areas. Improved customer satisfaction 5
Where are We Now? Phase 1 & 2 are complete Functional requirements gathering is in progress 100% adoption of IRIS by the counties The 2015 Legislature Approved $1.4M to continue project Phase 3 is centered around replacing the current system used for statewide voter registration and election management (VREMS) 6
Components of Phase 3 Voter Registration Management – register by mail, MVD, online; track record activity and voter history Election Management – street files, political subdivisions, petition verification Public Access – poll map, upcoming elections, sample ballots Data Exchange – felony convictions, deceased, MVD National Voter Registration Act Compliance – purge process Expanded Roles and Permissions 7
SOS IRIS: Critical Path 8
IRIS Project Expenses FY14-15 Project funded from operating budget FY16-17 C-2 Special Appropriation Approved for Phase 3 Deliverable FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 IRIS Development & Implementation $252.0 $500.0 $360.0 IV&V & Testing Services $19.9 $55.0 Project Management $200.0 $115.0 Requirements Analysis $190.0 Testing Contractor $45.0 Security Assessment $10.2 $25.0 Total: $282.1 $800.0 $600.0 9
PCC Change Request Details The SOS requests approval from the committee to continue the planning of IRIS Phase 3 Fund certification: $500.0 Anticipate Implementation Request October/November 2015 10
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