Post-16 Evening Welcome Introduction Meet and talk to post-16 providers Ms Smith
2019-20 Post 16 Options Continue with your Get a job, or education at college or sixth form Get a job, or volunteer, with training Start an Apprenticeship
What is CAP? Cambridge Area Partnership is a partnership of all state-funded schools and post-16 providers around Cambridge. Pupils are guaranteed a place, but not necessarily their first-choice; listen to the guidance given, and make sure you are applying for the most suitable.
Destination of Year 11 leavers in CAP schools in 2018
2018 leavers entering employment and training
Courses and Qualifications Academic Mostly exams “A-levels” Applied General 50% coursework Technical level coursework based “T-levels” Apprenticeship Traineeship Employment & training Level 3 A levels International Baccalaureate BTEC/OCR L3 NVQ/C&G L3 Advanced apprenticeship Level 2 GCSEs (Grades 4-9) BTEC/OCR L2 NVQ/C&G L2 Intermediate apprenticeship and traineeship Level 1 (Grades 1-3) BTEC/OCR L1 NVQ/C&G L1 Traineeship and pre-employment schemes
2018 leavers enrolled on the following further education courses:
Maths and English for Full Time Students Students who achieve below a grade 4 in English and/or Maths will need to continue working towards their GCSE or another similar qualification. Students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, may be exempt from the above, but will still need to study Maths and/or English.
Where can I study A-levels? Bishop Laney Sixth Form Cambridge Academy for Science & Technology Comberton Sixth Form Hills Road Sixth Form College Impington International Sixth Form Long Road Sixth Form College The Oakes College
Where can I study Applied courses? Cambridge Regional College Bishop Laney Sixth Form College of West Anglia (Cambridge) Cambridge Academy for Science & Technology Long Road Sixth Form College
Where can I study technical courses? Cambridge Regional College College of West Anglia (Cambridge)
Where can I study IB courses? IB Careers Programme Impington International Sixth Form IB Diploma Programme Parkside Sixth
A general guide to entry requirements A Level /IB courses Applied general (Level 3) courses Centres require a range of GCSEs including Maths and English. Some subjects need specific subjects and grades. Minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade 4 or above (or vocational equivalent) usually including Maths and/or English Some require 5 GCSEs at grade 4 Some require specific subjects Technical courses You start most courses at Level 1, progressing to Level 2 and Level 3 as your skills develop For some courses you can enter at Level 2 or 3 depending on skill level Some courses need specific subjects GCSE courses Applied general (Level 2) courses Minimum of three grade 4 GCSEs including Maths and English. Some subjects need specific subjects and grades Minimum of 2 GCSEs at grade 3 (or vocational equivalent) Read the prospectus or go to the Open Evening for details of any particular provider.
Employment with training Employment options Apprenticeship Employment with training Traineeship Employer and Training Provider must be secured Equivalent of 1 day per week of training For those just short of the skills and qualifications required for apprenticeship or further study
Apprenticeships Name Level Equivalent Educational Level Intermediate 2 GCSE Advanced 3 A Level Higher 4,5,6 and 7 Foundation degree and above Degree 6 and 7 Bachelor’s or master’s degree
How do I decide? Future plans/aspirations Subjects you enjoy Entry requirements v predicted grades Learning style Assessment methods Transport
More advice or information needed? School careers/transition advisors Post 16 open evenings/days Post 16 centre websites/prospectuses MyChoice@16 website (not yet live) Family and Friends
How do I Apply? College or Sixth Form courses Use the online application process for centres in CAP For centres outside CAP, approach the centre directly Apprenticeship National Apprenticeship website Not Going to Uni website Companies’ own websites Contact colleges and training providers that offer apprenticeships.
Applying to a CAP post-16 provider We will provide you with a log-on for online system. We will help you write a personal statement and guide you through the application process this term. You will need to research the courses available and most suitable for you (prospectuses and online). You should attend the Open Evenings and Open Days. TALK TO PEOPLE HERE TONIGHT.
Open evenings INSTITUTION DATE TIME The Oakes Tue 15 Oct 6.00pm – 8.30pm Bishop Laney Sixth Form Wed 30 Oct 6.00pm - 9.00pm Comberton Sixth Form 6.30pm – 9.00pm Impington International College Thu 17 Oct 6.00pm – 8.00pm CAST Mon 28 Oct 5.30pm – 8.00pm Parkside Sixth Tue 29 Oct College of West Anglia (Milton) Sat 9 Nov Tue 21 April 9.30am - 12.30pm 5.00pm - 7.30pm Cambridge Regional College (Cambridge campus) Mon 16 Sep Sat 12 Oct Sat 23 Nov Mon 25 Nov 4.30pm -7.00pm 9.30am -12.30pm 4.30pm - 7.00pm