Education Policies There are three main policy areas you need to know 1944 Education Act 1988 Education Act 2001 The New Vocationalism Plus remember Independent or Private schools operate outside of all of these policies
1944 Education Act Introduction of the Tripartite System This was the creation of a three tier system: Grammar Schools Secondary Modern Schools Technical Schools Selection was decided by 11+ examination The 1960s saw the creation of Comprehensive Schools in order to overcome the shortcomings of the Tripartite System (there was no selection for these types of schools) But in some districts Grammar Schools remain to this day!
1988 Education Act This policy introduced the following changes to the school system: It created competition between schools via the league table results and made parents consumers of education. For the first time parents could choose which school they sent their child to. The National Curriculum was created
1988 Education Act Sats at each curriculum key stage League Tables based on exam results Parental choice Ofsted – the school inspection teams
New Vocationalism This policy was built on the idea of education serving the needs of industry This brought about work experience for 14-18 year-olds Vocational GCSEs like NVQs, GNVQs Vocational A’Levels like AVCEs Plus a greater emphasis on key skills within education
Questions What social class mainly passed the 11+ and occupied the Grammar Schools? What social class tended to benefit from the 1988 Education Act? What social class do you think was encouraged to take vocation qualifications? Why do you think Independent or Private Schools remain outside government policies?