CIS 6930: Chip Multiprocessor: Parallel Architecture and Programming Fall 2010 Jih-Kwon Peir Computer Information Science Engineering University of Florida
Chapter 4: CUDA Threads
Programming Model: Square Matrix Multiplication Example P = M * N of size WIDTH x WIDTH Without tiling: One thread calculates one element of P M and N are loaded WIDTH times from global memory Next, exploit Block level Parallelism! Handle large problems N WIDTH M P WIDTH WIDTH WIDTH
Block IDs and Thread IDs Each thread uses Block and Thread IDs to decide what data to work on Block ID: 1D or 2D Thread ID: 1D, 2D, or 3D Simplifies memory addressing when processing multidimensional data Image processing Solving PDEs on volumes …
Buliding Block – Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) Each TPC has two Streaming Processors (SM) Each CUDA thread block assigned to one SM for execution Each SM has eight Streaming Processors (SP or cores) 8K registers 16KB shared memory 8 code blocks, 768 threads Each CUDA thread block 512 threads grouped into 32-thread Warps (SIMT mode) Warps scheduled run on SP No synchronization between thread blocks A good overview paper: NVIDIA Tesla: Unified Graphics and Computing Architecture, IEEE Micro
Matrix Multiplication Using Multiple Blocks bx Matrix Multiplication Using Multiple Blocks 1 2 tx 1 2 TILE_WIDTH-1 Break-up Pd into tiles (3x3) Each block calculates one tile Each thread calculates one element Block size equal tile size Nd WIDTH Md Pd Pdsub 1 ty 2 WIDTH by TILE_WIDTHE 1 TILE_WIDTH-1 TILE_WIDTH 2 WIDTH WIDTH
A Small Example Block(0,0) Block(1,0) P0,0 P1,0 P2,0 P3,0 TILE_WIDTH = 2 P0,1 P1,1 P2,1 P3,1 P0,2 P1,2 P2,2 P3,2 P0,3 P1,3 P2,3 P3,3 Block(0,1) Block(1,1)
A Small Example: Multiplication Nd0,0 Nd1,0 Nd0,1 Nd1,1 Total four blocks (2D), and Four threads in one block (0,0) Nd0,2 Nd1,2 Nd0,3 Nd1,3 Md0,0 Md1,0 Md2,0 Md3,0 Pd0,0 Pd1,0 Pd2,0 Pd3,0 Md0,1 Md1,1 Md2,1 Md3,1 Pd0,1 Pd1,1 Pd2,1 Pd3,1 Pd0,2 Pd1,2 Pd2,2 Pd3,2 Pd0,3 Pd1,3 Pd2,3 Pd3,3
Revised Step 5: Kernel Invocation (Host-side Code) // Setup the execution configuration dim3 dimGrid(Width/TILE_WIDTH, Width/TILE_WIDTH); dim3 dimBlock(TILE_WIDTH, TILE_WIDTH); // Launch the device computation threads! MatrixMulKernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(Md, Nd, Pd, Width);
Revised Matrix Multiplication Kernel using Multiple Blocks __global__ void MatrixMulKernel(float* Md, float* Nd, float* Pd, int Width) { // Calculate the row index of the Pd element and M int Row = blockIdx.y*TILE_WIDTH + threadIdx.y; // Calculate the column idenx of Pd and N int Col = blockIdx.x*TILE_WIDTH + threadIdx.x; float Pvalue = 0; // each thread computes one element of the block sub-matrix for (int k = 0; k < Width; ++k) Pvalue += Md[Row*Width+k] * Nd[k*Width+Col]; Pd[Row*Width+Col] = Pvalue; }
CUDA Thread Block All threads in a block execute the same kernel program (SPMD) Programmer declares block with block id: Block size 1 to 512 concurrent threads Block shape 1D, 2D, or 3D Block dimensions in threads Threads have thread id numbers within block Thread program uses thread id to select work and address shared data Threads in the same block share data and synchronize while doing their share of the work Threads in different blocks cannot cooperate Each block can execute in any order relative to other blocs! CUDA Thread Block Thread Id #: 0 1 2 3 … m Thread program Courtesy: John Nickolls, NVIDIA
Transparent Scalability Hardware is free to assigns blocks to any processor at any time (no sync between block!) A kernel scales across any number of parallel processors (multiprocessors) Device Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Kernel grid Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Device Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 time Block 4 Block 5 Block 6 Block 7 Each block can execute in any order relative to other blocks. BUT, the scheduler always schedules blocks based on block id, the smaller, the earlier (coarse-grain global order).
G80 Example: Executing Thread Blocks SM 0 SM 1 t0 t1 t2 … tm t0 t1 t2 … tm SP Shared Memory MT IU SP Shared Memory MT IU Blocks Blocks Threads are assigned to Streaming Multiprocessors in block granularity Up to 8 blocks to each SM as other resource allows SM in G80 can take up to 768 threads Could be 256 (threads/block) * 3 blocks Or 128 (threads/block) * 6 blocks, etc. Thread blocks run concurrently, once scheduled, they will run to the end SM maintains thread/block id #s SM manages/schedules thread execution
G80 Example: Thread Scheduling Each Block is executed as 32-thread Warps An implementation decision, not part of the CUDA programming model Warps are scheduling units in SM If 3 blocks are assigned to an SM and each block has 256 threads, how many Warps are there in an SM? Each Block is divided into 256/32 = 8 Warps There are 8 * 3 = 24 Warps Max. threads 768/32 = 24 Warps … Block 1 Warps … Block 2 Warps … Block 1 Warps … … … t0 t1 t2 … t31 t0 t1 t2 … t31 t0 t1 t2 … t31 Streaming Multiprocessor Instruction L1 Instruction Fetch/Dispatch Shared Memory SP SP SP SP SFU SFU SP SP SP SP Each SP has 1 MAD unit, each SM has two SFUs each also contains 4 F-P multipliers
G80 Block Granularity Considerations For Matrix Multiplication using multiple blocks, should I use 8X8, 16X16 or 32X32 blocks? For 8X8, we have 64 threads per Block. Since each SM can take up to 768 threads, there are 12 Blocks. However, each SM can only take up to 8 Blocks, only 512 threads will go into each SM! For 16X16, we have 256 threads per Block. Since each SM can take up to 768 threads, it takes up to 3 Blocks and achieve full capacity unless other resource considerations overrule. For 32X32, we have 1024 threads per Block. Not even one can fit into an SM! Does not have to be square blocks!
G80 Example: Thread Scheduling (cont.) SM implements zero-overhead warp scheduling At any time, only one of the warps is executed by SM using all hardware resources Warps whose next instruction has its operands ready for consumption are eligible for execution Eligible Warps are selected for execution on a prioritized scheduling policy All threads in a warp execute the same instruction when selected
Thread Scheduling (cont.) GPU cycle MUL / SPU ALU cycle, twice fast Each code block assigned to one SM, each SM can take up to 8 blocks Each block up to 512 threads, divided into 32-therad wrap, each wrap scheduled on 8 SP, 4 threads on one SP, wrap executed SIMT mode SP is pipelined ~30 stages, fetch, decode, gather and write-back act on whole warps, each thread is initiated in each fast clock (i.e. ALU cycle) Execute acts on group of 8 threads or quarter-warps (there are only 8 SP/SM), so their throughput is 1 warp/4 fast clocks or 1 warp/2 slow clocks (i.e. GPU cycle) The Fetch/decode/... stages have a higher throughput to feed both the SP/MAD and the SFU/MUL units alternatively. Hence the peak rate of 8 MAD + 8 MUL per (fast) clock cycle Need 6 warps (or 192 threads) per SM to hide the read-after-write latencies (later!)
Thread Scheduling (cont.) In addition to transcendental operations and interpolation of the values of each vertex, the SFU is capable of executing a floating-point multiplication. By alternating execution of MAD and MUL instructions, there’s an overlap of the duration of the instructions. In this way each GPU cycle produces the result of a MAD or a MUL on a warp – that is, 32 scalar values. Whereas from Nvidia’s description you might expect to get the result of a MAD and a MUL every two GPU cycles (called Dual-Issue). In practice, the result is the same, but from a hardware point of view it greatly simplifies the front end, which handles launching execution of the instructions, with one starting at each GPU cycle. That’s not the only improvement made to the multiprocessors: Nvidia announces that they’ve optimized the dual-issue mode. You’ll recall that since the G80, multiprocessors are supposed to be able to execute two instructions per cycle: one MAD and one floating MUL. We say “supposed to” because at the time we weren’t able to see this behavior in our synthetic tests – not knowing if this was a limitation of the hardware or the drivers. Several months and several driver versions later, we now know that MUL isn’t always easy to isolate on the G80, which led us to believe the problem was at the hardware level. But how does dual-issue mode operate? At the time of the G80 Nvidia provided no details, but since then, by studying a patent, we’ve learned a little more about the way instructions are executed by the multiprocessors. First of all the patent clearly specifies that the multiprocessors can only launch execution of a single instruction for each GPU cycle (the “slow” frequency). So where is this famous dual-issue mode? In fact it’s a specificity of the hardware: One instruction uses two GPU cycles (four ALU cycles) to be executed on a warp (32 threads executed by 8-way SIMD units), but the front end of the multiprocessor can launch execution of one instruction at each cycle, provided that the instructions are of different types: MAD in one case, SFU in the other. In addition to transcendental operations and interpolation of the values of each vertex, the SFU is also capable of executing a floating-point multiplication. By alternating execution of MAD and MUL instructions, there’s an overlap of the duration of the instructions. In this way each GPU cycle produces the result of a MAD or a MUL on a warp – that is, 32 scalar values. Whereas from Nvidia’s description you might expect to get the result of a MAD and a MUL every two GPU cycles. In practice, the result is the same, but from a hardware point of view it greatly simplifies the front end, which handles launching execution of the instructions, with one starting at each cycle.
Reworked Streaming Multiprocessors Active threads per SM from 768 to 1024 (24 to 32 32-thread warps) 8,192 registers to 16,384 per SM. With the concomitant increase in the number of threads, the number of registers usable simultaneously by a thread has increased from 10 registers to 16 Dual-issue mode: SM executes two instructions every two cycles: one MAD and one floating MUL One instruction uses two GPU cycles (four ALU cycles) executed on a warp (32 threads executed by 8-way SIMD units), but the front end of SM can launch one instruction at each cycle, provided that the instructions are of different types: MAD in one case, SFU (MUL) in the other. Provide double precision
Multi-issued / Multithreaded Categories Simultaneous Multithreading Superscalar Fine-Grained Coarse-Grained Multiprocessing Time (processor cycle) Thread 1 Thread 3 Thread 5 Thread 2 Thread 4 Idle slot Note, Nvidia GPU execution model is Single-Instruction-Multiple-Threads (SIMT)
Some Additional API Features (See Appendix in Nvidia CUDA Programming Guide, Version 2.3)
Application Programming Interface The API is an extension to the C programming language It consists of: Language extensions To target portions of the code for execution on the device A runtime library split into: A common component providing built-in vector types and a subset of the C runtime library in both host and device codes A host component to control and access one or more devices from the host A device component providing device-specific functions
Language Extensions: Built-in Variables dim3 gridDim; Dimensions of the grid in blocks (gridDim.z unused) dim3 blockDim; Dimensions of the block in threads dim3 blockIdx; Block index within the grid dim3 threadIdx; Thread index within the block
Common Runtime Component: Mathematical Functions pow, sqrt, cbrt, hypot exp, exp2, expm1 log, log2, log10, log1p sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2 sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh ceil, floor, trunc, round Etc. When executed on the host, a given function uses the C runtime implementation if available These functions are only supported for scalar types, not vector types
Device Runtime Component: Mathematical Functions Some mathematical functions (e.g. sin(x)) have a less accurate, but faster device-only version (e.g. __sin(x)) __pow __log, __log2, __log10 __exp __sin, __cos, __tan
Host Runtime Component Provides functions to deal with: Device management (including multi-device systems) Memory management Error handling Initializes the first time a runtime function is called A host thread can invoke device code on only one device Multiple host threads required to run on multiple devices
Device Runtime Component: Synchronization Function void __syncthreads(); Synchronizes all threads in a block Once all threads have reached this point, execution resumes normally Used to avoid RAW / WAR / WAW hazards when accessing shared or global memory Allowed in conditional constructs only if the conditional is uniform across the entire thread block NO Synchronizes among blocks Because it causes deadlock if not ALL blocks are scheduled simultaneously Atomic Operations?
Time Function clock_t clock(); when executed in device code, returns the value of a per-multiprocessor counter that is incremented every clock cycle. Sampling this counter at the beginning and at the end of a kernel, taking the difference of the two samples, and recording the result per thread provides a measure for each thread of the number of clock cycles taken by the device to completely execute the thread, but not of the number of clock cycles the device actually spent executing thread instructions. The former number is greater that the latter since threads are time sliced. Atomic Operations?
Atomic Function atomicAdd(int* address, int val) An atomic function performs a read-modify-write atomic operation on one 32-bit or 64-bit word (signed and unsigned integer) residing in global or shared memory. Read M[address]; compute M[address] + val; and store back to the same memory location as an atomic operation. (Note, function return: M[address].) Atomic function only used in device function with compute capacity 1.1 or above The compute capacity 1.2 or above works for atomic shared memory operations with 64-bit word. Apply to many other arithmetic and logical operations. Atomic Operations?
Get System Information C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA G PU Computing SDK\C\bin\win32\Release>devicequery (after make) CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking) There is 1 device supporting CUDA Device 0: "GeForce 9200" CUDA Driver Version: 2.30 CUDA Runtime Version: 2.30 CUDA Capability Major revision number: 1 CUDA Capability Minor revision number: 1 Total amount of global memory: 266010624 bytes Number of multiprocessors: (SM) 1 Number of cores: 8 Total amount of constant memory: 65536 bytes Total amount of shared memory per block: 16384 bytes Total number of registers available per block: 8192 Warp size: 32 Maximum number of threads per block: 512 Maximum sizes of each dimension of a block: 512 x 512 x 64 Maximum sizes of each dimension of a grid: 65535 x 65535 x 1 Maximum memory pitch: 262144 bytes Texture alignment: 256 bytes Clock rate: 1.20 GHz Concurrent copy and execution: No Run time limit on kernels: Yes Integrated: Yes Support host page-locked memory mapping: Yes Compute mode: Default (multiple host threads can use this device simultaneously)