Beyond Canvas: The CVC Exchange and Local POCR


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Presentation transcript:

Beyond Canvas: The CVC Exchange and Local POCR Dr. Jory Hadsell, Executive Director Can•Innovate 2019

First, let’s clarify… California Virtual Campus (CVC) was consolidated into the Online Education Initiative (OEI) in 2018, creating CVC-OEI. Previously CVC was a catalog of courses and programs approved for distance/online education. OEI: Canvas, NetTutor, Cranium Café, Proctorio, Namecoach … plus @ONE, Course Design Rubric, and Course Exchange.

CVC Website You can find us at which features: 77 online Associate Degree for Transfer 63 online certificates Online Course Finder (statewide search for online classes with seats currently available) Automated cross-enrollment ALL classes and programs are offered by the 114 colleges and are available to students in Canvas.


Online Degrees & Certificates Automated Cross Enrollment Exchange consists of three components. When it comes to the Exchange, the new CVC Exchange allows students to search for online class sections across the CCC system. The “Course Finder” does not provide enrollment functionality, but aggregates online offerings into a single tool that leverages ASSIST transferrability information so that classes are mapped to IGETC, CSU GE Breadth, or other transfer requirements. Also, CVC Exchange now features over 72 fully online Associate’s Degrees for Transfer. Students currently without a home college program of study can find information about college ADT offerings. Automated cross-enrollment allows students to search live seat availability across courses at participating colleges and to enroll and pay for courses through This process happens in a real-time environment, meaning students don’t have to wait. It all happens in one transaction. When the new online class begins, it becomes available in their home college Canvas dashboard. Online Course Finder Online Degrees & Certificates Automated Cross Enrollment

Strategic Focus 2019-20 Renewed focus on cross-enrollment. Increase momentum with Consortium college implementations to scale CVC Exchange. Deeper college adoption of ecosystem tools. Refine composition of support ecosystem based on research to improve equity. Scale course quality efforts by intensifying local Peer Online Course Review uptake.

Recently Here is what he said at the ASCCC Academic Academy I had the opportunity to co-present with a student leader at the ASCCC Academic Academy named Lawrence Su. He is Executive VP of the Here is what he said Student Senate for CCCs. about what students need online:

What Do Students Need Online? Options Specific courses for their programs of study Quality Ease of enrollment Take courses after transfer to CSU/UC Lawrence Su, Lawrence. CVC-OEI: What’s been accomplished, what’s new, and where it’s headed. Presentation at the ASCCC Academic Academy in Long Beach, Calif., September 2019.

Students Need Ease of Enrollment Students need to a user-friendly platform to find information easily Students need to be able to enroll in classes smoothly, no matter what college Lawrence Su, Lawrence. CVC-OEI: What’s been accomplished, what’s new, and where it’s headed. Presentation at the ASCCC Academic Academy in Long Beach, Calif., September 2019.

CVC Online Course Finder

Students Need Options! Students are able to select which college to take their classes at Students are able to choose the professor they want Students are able to add a class from a wide selection Lawrence Su, Lawrence. CVC-OEI: What’s been accomplished, what’s new, and where it’s headed. Presentation at the ASCCC Academic Academy in Long Beach, Calif., September 2019.

Strength in Numbers The more colleges participate, the more choices students have. Lawrence Su, Lawrence. CVC-OEI: What’s been accomplished, what’s new, and where it’s headed. Presentation at the ASCCC Academic Academy in Long Beach, Calif., September 2019.

Students Need Quality Students need to be reassured the class is of high quality and reviewed Lawrence Su, Lawrence. CVC-OEI: What’s been accomplished, what’s new, and where it’s headed. Presentation at the ASCCC Academic Academy in Long Beach, Calif., September 2019.

Students Need Quality #COURSEREVIEWROCKS Courses with Quality Reviewed badges rise to the top of search results and fill more quickly. Additionally, reviewed courses have higher success and retention rates than non-reviewed. Lawrence #COURSEREVIEWROCKS

Students Need Support Students need support for their online classes, even hundreds of miles away Lawrence Su, Lawrence. CVC-OEI: What’s been accomplished, what’s new, and where it’s headed. Presentation at the ASCCC Academic Academy in Long Beach, Calif., September 2019.

CVC Course Finder: Access to Bottleneck Courses Student search insights: Highest demand is for communications courses that fulfill CSU Oral Communications requirement Math Online science with a lab Trending upward: English and foreign languages

Communities of Practice In response to high student demand, CVC-OEI created three Communities of Practice comprised of statewide faculty focused on online communications, math, and lab sciences. Actively discussing best practices and sharing solutions to common problems. Email Logan Murray ( ) to join.

Cross-enrollment (Exchange)

Congratulations! You have successfully added 21771 – COMP/CRIT READ/THINK LITERATUR to your course schedule…

Ingredients for Online Success Regular Effective Contact Well-Designed Course Canvas Integration Student-Friendly Technology Prepared Student Prepared Faculty Student Support Online Class Available Online Financial Aid Integration Ingredients for Online Success

CVC-OEI Course Design Rubric Developed in 2014, updated in 2016 and 2018 ASCCC, faculty, and CVC-OEI Advisory Committee participation in development, review, and revision. Can be locally adopted for peer online course review Alignment with rubric required for courses in Course Exchange (Consortium College Commitment) ASCCC encourages CCCs to adopt for local use Geoffrey


Course Design Rubric Addresses: Course Content Interaction Assessment Accessibility Geoffrey

Impact on Student Success Statewide, the gap between face-to-face and online success rates is closing Statewide: 2017-18 data set shows average success gap between face-to-face and online is 4.7% OEI Pilot Sections Quality reviewed, fully resourced with online student supports 4.9% points above statewide average for OL success Data: Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges “The Online Education Initiative: Access and Quality of Online Education in California’s Community Colleges” (2017)

Success & Retention Rate Trends (State-wide Averages) Success Rate Comparisons Retention Rate Comparisons  Year Online F2F Gap 2012-2013 62.2% 71.9% -9.7% 81.1% 87.3% -6.2% 2013-2014 62.7% 71.6% -8.9% 81.2% 87.2% -6.0% 2014-2015 63.3% 71.7% -8.4% 81.5% 87.1% -5.6% 2015-2016 64.9% 72.4% -7.5% 82.4% -4.9% 2016-2017 66.5% 73.2% -6.7% 83.2% 87.7% -4.5% 2017-2018 68.9% 73.6% -4.7% 84.4% 87.8% -3.4%

Thank you! Questions? Jory Hadsell, EdD @joryhadsell @CVCOEI