EPA’s Proposed Fine Particulate Matter National Ambient Air Quality Standard (PM2.5 NAAQS) Air Quality Committee Meeting July 11, 2012 Donnie Redmond Ambient Monitoring Section Chief (pinch-hitting for Planning)
PM2.5 Standard Proposal signed June 14 Published June 29 Part of a consent decree to issue the final standard before the end of the year
PM2.5 Primary Standards Existing Standards 1997 Annual standard 15 μg/m3 2006 24-hour standard 35 μg/m3 Final Risk Assessment, March 2010 Consider annual standard 10–13 μg/m3 Consider daily standard 25–35 μg/m3 2012 Proposed Revise annual standard to 12–13 μg/m3 Leave daily standard at 35 μg/m3
How will it affect NC? Based on 2009-2011 data Daily standard (35 μg/m3) All below 25 μg/m3 Annual standard (12-13 μg/m3 ) Highest value is 11.2 μg/m3 Designations will be based on either 2011-2013 or 2012-2014 data
2009-2011 Annual PM2.5 Design Values
PM2.5 Secondary Standard – Visibility (New!) Proposes a separate visibility standard 30 deciviews or 28 deciviews Deciview Is a visibility index Similar to the Regional Haze Program Uses speciated PM2.5 data and relative humidity to calculate light extinction 24-hour averaging time; a 90th percentile form averaged over 3 years
Visibility standard Not limited to urban areas Any speciated monitor is eligible, including Federally-operated ones Our preliminary estimates show we will attain EPA has not released their calculations
Impacts on permits EPA is proposing to grandfather preconstruction permitting applications that have made substantial progress through the review process at the time the final standards are issued
How will new standards impact DAQ? Establish near-road monitors Charlotte and Raleigh by January 2014 Possibly Durham and Greensboro in out years Need to review data from Federally- operated monitors (apply to visibility)
What’s next? Comment period Ends August 31 Public hearings Philadelphia, July 17 Sacramento, July 19 Final rule Issued by December 14, 2012 Designation recommendations December 2013
Questions? Ask Sushma or Laura Sushma Masemore (919) 707-8700 Laura Boothe (919) 707-8721 Donnie Redmond 919-707-8468 donnie.redmond@ncdenr.gov