The Future of Energy Storage and Associated Areas of Researches Professor Jian Wang Professor of Aircraft Technology
Content Brainstorming The Significance The Relevant Areas What is energy storage? Why the energy need to be stored? What are the issues related to energy storage? The Significance The Relevant Areas Key Energy Storage Research Areas
Brainstorming What, Why Relevant issues Energy transfer Forms of different energy Energy Carrier Energy storage vs. Environment Energy conversion Affordability Disposal
What is Energy Storage—the concept Definition: Energy Storage System: Charged/fill/ Keep Controlled Discharge Materials: can store energy Can be charged/filled/?/? Able to keep Could be control Energy conversion Different forms of energy
The Significance Portability of energy Various energy sources—traditional vs. renewable Balance of supply and demand of energy Necessity of energy management … … Environmental issues Diminishing of fossil fuel reservation Cost effectiveness of energy consumptions
Why Energy Storage? Intermittent energy sources Unevenly distributed energy sources Different power generation capabilities Different level of demanding of Energy Different requirements of energy & power Smoothing and balance energy output Different forms of energy
The relevant Areas of Energy Storage Type of energies Energy conversion Different applications Cost effectiveness Energy management (planning, forecasting, monitoring, controlling, conserving) … … Energy carrier Materials Technologies Applications an energy carrier is either a substance or a phenomenon that can be used to produce mechanical work or heat or to operate chemical or physical processes
The relevant Areas of Energy Storage—cont’d Materials Different forms of energy Technologies Applications
Brainstorming What will be the key research areas? How could we identify? Where can we start from? How could we cut in?
Key Energy Storage Research Areas Material development Energy transfer/transformation Cost reduction/Whole Life Cost management Improve manufacture techniques The economic effect of integrating CAES (compressed air energy storage) in different electricity markets and varying levels of renewable energy penetration Run-of-river hydro storage (all aspects)
Key Energy Storage Research Areas—cont’d Large-scale/light long life batteries Quantify potential change/shift in power demand from wide-spread use Quantify long-term effect of techniques Determine optimum system size for max economic returns Identify policy initiatives to encourage more development
Key Energy Storage Research Areas—cont’d Evaluate the effect of different policy initiatives on decision to use different techniques Evaluate the profitability of different configuration and integration Energy storage efficiency Impact of energy storage on environment
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 1 Morphological characterization and applications of phase change materials in thermal energy storage: A review Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 72 (2017) 128–145
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 2 Review of system topologies for hybrid electrical energy storage system Journal of Energy Storage 8 (2016) 78–90
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 3 Surface engineering of nanomaterials for improved energy storage – A review Chemical Engineering Science 154 (2016) 3–19
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 4 A review on compressed air energy storage Basic principles, past milestones and recent developments Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 5 Application of dielectric barrier discharge plasma-assisted milling in energy storage materials— A review Journal of Alloys and Compounds 691 (2017) 422—435
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 6 A review on current status and challenges of inorganic phase change materials for thermal energy storage systems Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (xxxx) xxxx–xxxx
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 7 Packed bed thermal energy storage A simplified experimentally validated model Journal of Energy Storage 4 (2015) 14–23
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 8 Recent developments of aprotic lithium-oxygen batteries: functional materials determine the electrochemical performance Science Bulletin: Accepted
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 9 Recent advances in all-solid-state rechargeable lithium batteries Nano Energy: accepted
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 10 Recent developments in materials for aluminum–air batteries: A review Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 32 (2015) 1–20
Examples of Review on Energy Storage 11 Recent advances of electrode materials for low-cost sodium-ion batteries towards practical application for grid energy storage Energy Storage Materials 7 (2017) 130–151
Brainstorming What will be the key research areas? How could we identify? Where can we start from? How could we cut in?