Demos Shakarian, Founder "What is the difference between the ones who seem to do great things and those who do not? The difference is in their passion and in their vision. With their passion they will break down any wall, climb any mountain and swim in shark-infested waters. With their vision, they will keep going when those around them tell them to 'give up,' your dreams are dead!"
My Perspective! I have had several discussions with people who have told me that, the National Office should be doing this and that. My position is that nothing is too big for me as a person or Chapter- The buck stops at me. I take full responsibility. I don’t need to be a Director. If it must be done, then it could be me doing it.
OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FELLOWSHIP Lets remember that the fellowship was birthed out of a series of prophetic utterances. It is God’s fellowship. It has a huge mandate He is speaking to us daily. I joined because God spoke to me. The ‘church’ has failed. Churches have missed it big time. Most churches are losing their significance and relevance.
In view of the challenges of the church God’s eyes and heart beat is with the fellowship. I have seen the Holy Spirit our little sincere desire to promote the agenda of God and the fellowship. There is so much power (HS) available to propel you.
THE HOLY SPIRIT AT WORK Knowledge of the above gives you boldness. If you are ignorant of the beauty, power and potency that is available to you, you can’t manifest Gods power It is for those who will dare (if you don’t venture, you don’t Gain) All I SEE ARE OPPORTUNITIES
GOD IS LOOKING FOR WILING VESSELS It does not matter your age. You May be 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 You may have joined the fellowship in the: 80’s, 90’s 2000 or January 2019 You May be Chapter President, Secretary, International or National Director for or whatever God will use you if you avail yourself. ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING
REMEMBER, NO OIL NO FLAME The day you think you are tired, the oil will seize to flow If you are self seeking, the oil will not flow Remember the Oil flows when you are in motion Remember the oil flows when faith is at work Remember, all the categories mentioned above are GIANTS but sleeping Giants The day you feel you have arrived. God will stop using you.
Rather than tell, ask? Regard for one another’s gifting As you respect each others gifting the oil and flames spreads. You can never go Solo. Everyone around you was called in. No one can be excluded ( 1 Peter 4: 10-11) Empower the people around you. Reinforce them? God will use other people to drop great ideas to you. Make people around you conscious of what they have. - Some are difficult though- Don’t drop them
Conclusion Commitment is hard work – it is not easy. Commitment is understanding your calling Commitment is appreciating the assignment Commitment is action: No excuses. No debate. No lengthy analysis. No whining about how hard it is. No worrying about what others Commitment is making a choice to give up other choices! THIS IS YOUR TIME!