Eating Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Could Help Weak Hard-ons


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Presentation transcript:

Eating Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Could Help Weak Hard-ons

It happens to the most virile of men: he gets a droopy noodle. Either the big guy won’t get up, or he seems to get up reluctantly and groggy in a half-hearted sort of hard-on. A weak hard-on is nothing to be casual about, and a man has many ways he can fix it. However, he may not have thought of this way: eat more veggies. Could a bunch of carrots lead to stronger hard-ons? Let’s look at the data.

How the Male Diet Can Cause Weak Hard-ons According to a study by the CDC, men and young adults eat the least fruits and vegetables of any other demographic. How is this measured? The USDA recommendation for intake is about 2 cups of fruit and between 2 and 3 cups of vegetables. It doesn’t seem like a lot to consume each day, but only 10 percent of Americans are eating the amount of produce that is equivalent to good health. Okay, that is all well and good, but what about boners? Studies have shown that a man’s lifestyle has a lot to do with male organ problems like weak hard-ons and member dysfunction. Men make unhealthy choices like smoking, drinking, and not getting enough quality sleep, and they have a poor diet.

When a man hears the words “poor diet,” surely visions of ramen, pizza, and Cool Ranch Doritos come to mind. However, it’s less about that stuff and more about what men are failing to put in their bodies that are giving their trouser snake a case of the blahs. Men are not getting enough flavonoids.

Flavonoids: A Cure for Weak Hard-ons? Flavonoids are part of nearly all fruits and vegetables. It refers to an assorted group of plant chemicals (phytonutrients) that with carotenoids give produce its color. They also make arteries more flexible, which allows for better blood flow for a man’s boner. Several studies have shown that adding flavonoids into the diet correlates with lower rates of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, some cancers, and neurodegenerative disease. Hmmm…most of these disease states are the usual suspects for member dysfunction and weak hard-ons.

Bring That Eggplant Emoji to Life Research published in 2016 found that men who took in more flavonoids, specifically flavones, had a significant decrease in the likelihood of having member dysfunction. Their study included men from age 18 to 70, so it hits the sweet spot of people living with member dysfunction. So why would a young guy, who thinks his hard-on will persevere forever, want to increase his intake of kale and beets? It protects his male organ health and protects against future member dysfunction. Some damage can’t be undone, and by starting his member preservation early, he can keep his arteries strong and elastic.

Not only that, but some vegetables also have particular nutrients that give a man’s intimate life an extra boost. For instance, in addition to having flavonoids, celery is an aphrodisiac for both men and especially women. It’s an excellent reason for a man to make his lady an ants on a log snack to get in the mood. The final word? Eat more fruits and vegetables, so weak hard-ons become a thing of the past.

Another way to get key vitamins and nutrients is to use a vitamin-rich male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) that has been created especially for male organ skin is a critical part of preserving male organ health. It also includes vitamin C and L-arginine, which also serve as a blood flow booster to fight against weak hard-ons and keep a man’s eggplant forever full and healthy.Man 1 Man Oil