S EARCH E NGINE M ARKETING Presentation by DiGiTech Classes What is Search Engine Marketing? How Do Search Engines Work? DiGiTech Classes
S EARCH E NGINE M ARKETING What is Search Engine Marketing? How Do Search Engines Work? Fig. Search Engine Marketing
W HAT S EARCH E NGINE ? An internet-based tool that searches an index of documents for a particular term, phrase or text specified by the user. Commonly used to refer to large web-based search engines that search through billions of pages on the internet. Fig. Search Engines
B EST S EARCH E NGINE. Fig. Best Search Engines
W HY S EARCH E NGINE M ARKETING ? 85% of all traffic on the internet is referred from a search engine 90% of all users don’t look past the first 30 results (most only view top 10) Many websites aren’t even indexed, most are poorly optimized and get very little traffic from the search engines Cost-effective advertising Clear and measurable ROI Operates under this assumption: More (relevant) traffic + Good Conv. Rate = More Sales/Leads
W HAT S EARCH E NGINES A RE THE M OST P OPULAR 1. Google – 41.6% 2. Yahoo – 31.5% 3. MSN – 27.4% 4. AOL – 13.6% 5. Ask Jeeves – 7.0%
A S EARCH E NGINE ’ S G OALS & O BJECTIVES 1. Accumulate large index (database) of web documents to search 2. Provide highly-relevant results to users (better than competitors) 3. Generate revenue via paid advertising and related business ventures that typically leverage large amount of traffic
R ANKING F ACTORS On-Page Factors (Code & Content) 1. Title tags 2. Header tags 3. ALT image tags 4. Content, Content, Content (Body text) 5. Hyperlink text 6. Keyword frequency & density 1. Off-Page Factors 1. Link Popularity (“votes” for your site) – adds credibility 2. Anchor text
M AJOR S ERCH E NGINES Google feeds AOL, Netscape, Earthlink & others Yahoo owns Overture, AltaVista, AlltheWeb, FAST & others Google, Yahoo & MSN results account for % of all search traffic (rough estimate)
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