Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march L Observatoire National des Métiers de l Animation et du Sport The French National Observatory of Sport and Animation Employment Ph.D Philippe Germain
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march ONMAS Composition Social partners (6 members) Recognized actors of the area (6 members : among them the President Pr. Jean-Pierre Augustin) Directors of Ministries in charge of education, sport and animation (6 members) The operational office (5 members : among them the General Secretary)
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march ONMAS material point of view Budget : (out of salaries of operational office, out of office location … so only to finance projects and to pay researchers in charge of mission) Office location place : Sport Ministry - Paris (MJSVA)
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march The ONMAS mission s Reference to ONMAS : To produce studies on membres needs To help the sector actors To develop meetings between key actors of sport and animation employment To contribute to the sector attainments
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march The ONMAS actions : example 1 To develop meetings between actors involved in sport or animation employment
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march The ONMAS actions : example 2 To organize and to realize studies To execute special commands
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march The ONMAS actions : example 3 To contribute to develop investigation tools
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march The ONMAS annual report to the Minister in charge of the education to the Minister in charge of sport and animation sectors We present an annual report
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march The ONMAS short time programs Les abandons détudes STAPS et les bifurcations (why and how sport students stop or modify their training projects) La relation formation - emploi (relationships between training and employment) Létude du dispositifs profession sport (a study of a french mutualist sport employers systems) Les systèmes Européens de certification professionnelle en sport (in charge of a WP of the « EQF sport » program)
Rio Maior - EOSE Général Assembly - march The ONMAS website