The Farmers Voice at the World Level La Voz de Los Agricultores al Nivel Mundial La Voix des Agriculteurs au Niveau Mondial
How to Balance Food Security with Sustainability of Agricultural Production
IFAP represents 112 national farmers organizations in 87 countries, representing 600 million family farmers. IFAP is the representative and democratic forum of farmers, building strong, genuinely representative and autonomous farmers organizations. Over half of IFAPs members are in developing countries, and the vast majority represents smallholder producers. About IFAP
Increasing global food production while adapting to climate change. Need to link up agriculture, food security livelihoods and climate change mitigation and adaptation. A fair mention of food security needed with ref. to art. 2 of the Convention. Not to specific a mention on agriculture. Shared Vision link between food security and climate change
2010 – International Year of Biodiversity
How do we feed 9.1 billion people in 2050? Using the same land area Using less water Producing less greenhouse gasses Conserving agricultural biodiversity
What does this mean? Using integrated water management solutions: water conservation systems, rainwater harvesting, drought tolerant crops, etc. Using more no-till farming methods to reduce greenhouse gases; more closed livestock systems and bio-gas digesters; different feeding systems; more local product for local markets (food miles) Providing more eco-system services as part of farming operations, including working for carbon credits.
How can we do this? More and better investment in agriculture. Incentive systems to adopt the most sustainable farming practices. Poverty and hunger issues will have to be addressed.Increased investment in research and innovation.Farmers need risk-management tools.
Sustainable systems in the Seychelles Tropical greenhouse technology Integrated Pest ManagementLow-volume irrigation
Carbon Online: A web-based Carbon footprint portal Climate Change Communication to all stakeholders Workshops & Information Document Understand the GHG audit template Info Greenhouse gas footprint of supply chain A GHG footprint methodology, tool and protocol Audit to include all emissions through the supply chain Assess emission hotspots at an individual and industry level Audit Recommendations & Strategic Framework Reduction options applicable at the farm and supply chain level Biological adaptation options for future agricultural planning Benchmarking exercise to place SA Fruit & Wine Industry in context of competition regions Planning
Climate Labeling System: Informing Consumers on Food products Climate Change Communication to all stakeholders Workshops & Information Document Understand the GHG audit template Info Greenhouse gas footprint of supply chain A GHG footprint methodology, tool and protocol Audit to include all emissions through the supply chain Assess emission hotspots at an individual and industry level Audit Recommendations & Strategic Framework Reduction options applicable at the farm and supply chain level Biological adaptation options for future agricultural planning Benchmarking exercise to place SA Fruit & Wine Industry in context of competition regions Planning
Do we need a global farm metrics framework? What are the indicators? Do we count crop yield and variability, water stress indicators, production and land value? Farmers seek to respond to the market expectations and signals from consumers. Many labelling initiatives deliver products for economic, ecological or social sustainability. Would a global framework gauging sustainability be better?
Conclusion Sustainability issues are clearly driving government and corporate policies. The move to a low-carbon economy is part of this agenda, including green jobs, local products, ethnic products, organic products, etc. Farmers did not set this agenda but we have to get organized with our agri-food chain partners, and researchers, to deal with it. Farming is a long-term activity, and investment decisions have consequences many years into the future.
Neil Sorensen, Communications Coordinator International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) , rue Saint Lazare Paris, France Thank you!