Faire Face Association Cancer Support Group A NON PROFIT ASSOCIATION (1994)
FAIRE FACE Oncologists + Psychotherapists + Cancer Patients + Survivors + Volunteers Administrative CommitteeMedical Committee
PSYCHOLOGICALSUPPORT Hotline Weekly meetings Monthly group therapy sessions Volunteers in local hospitals
FAIRE FACE PREVENTION AND AWARENESS FOR BREAST CANCER Free mammogram and ultrasounds Free mammogram and ultrasounds Conferences and debates Conferences and debates Booklets and publications Booklets and publications
FAIRE FACE SOCIAL AND MEDICALSUPPORT Wigs Wigs Mammary prostheses Mammary prostheses Medicines and drugs Medicines and drugs Reduced prices for CT Scan Reduced prices for CT Scan
FAIRE FACE FUND RAISING AND EVENTS Elie Saab for Breast Friend Elie Saab for Breast Friend Think Pink Breast Cancer Charity Dinner Think Pink Breast Cancer Charity Dinner Breast Friends Publications Breast Friends Publications Breast Cancer Month Events Breast Cancer Month Events
Faire Face Association