Young Canada Works Heritage Chantal Fortier October 29, 2003
Heritage in Canada A rich and diverse cultural and natural heritage Government of Canadas role Institutions People
Rich and Diverse Heritage Traditions and artifacts of the First Peoples, the French, the English and immigrants to Canada from around the world From the arts to ethnology, from science to technology, from history to architecture, from oral history to archives; traces of peoples for tens of thousands of years An extraordinary national parks system; natural history museums, some of them with living collections that reflect Canadas biodiversity
Government of Canada and Heritage Canadian Heritage helps preserve and protect cultural and natural heritage for current and future generations of Canadians. Legislation Policies Funding programs, services National institutions
Heritage Institutions Museums, archives, libraries, zoos, botanical gardens, natural parks, historic sites and buildings A little over 2,500 heritage institutions in Canada
People and Heritage Professionals – over 30,000 Volunteers – about 45,000 Visitors – over 100 million visits per year
Young Canada Works and Heritage Program in place since 1996 Decentralized management Headquarters Six national delivery organizations that operate as third parties for program delivery
YCW Intra-departmental Partners Heritage Branch Canadian Heritage Information Network Canadian Conservation Institute Arts Policy Branch
YCW External Partners National organizations Canadian Museums Association Canadian Library Association Canadian Council of Archives Heritage Canada Foundation Association pour lavancement des sciences et techniques de documentation Cultural Human Resources Council
YCW Heritage Two Components Component 1 … in Heritage Organizations Summer jobs Component 2 … at Building Careers in Heritage E xtended work experience
Component 1 In Heritage Organizations An average of 900 summer jobs between 6 and 16 weeks in length for young people between the ages of 16 and 30 at the secondary or post- secondary level Amount allocated: $3,000,000/year Delivery model: national, regional, local and through delivery organizations
Develops employability and career skills Provides an opportunity to earn income toward studies Provides summer jobs that utilize their skills to protect and develop knowledge in the heritage, arts and cultural sector Benefits… For Young People
Component 2 At Building Careers in Heritage 60 internships between 4 and 12 months in length for young college and university graduates Amount allocated: $705,000 Delivery model: International, national, regional and local, directly with employers or through national delivery organizations
Benefits… For Young People Provides relevant work experience in the field of heritage, arts and culture Develops specialized job skills Provides an opportunity to discover and promote Canadas cultural heritage at home and abroad
Jobs Created
Program Mechanics
Feedback from Young People… My experience this summer working at the Saskatchewan Archives Board … was a positive one. This is the first time since my university career began that I have had a summer job that is related to my field of study, Canadian History... this enabled me to actually get firsthand knowledge of archival procedures. Grâce au programme Jeunesse Canada au travail, je réalisais la vocation tant espérée depuis ma tendre enfance : être guide et animateur, costumé à lancienne, dans un lieu historique et patrimonial ayant marqué lhistoire du Canada. Ce fut pour moi la chance de partager des connaissances multiples avec des personnes de tous genres et de partout, ce qui savère une passion.
Feedback from Employers… The project could not have happened without the support of Young Canada Works. Not only did we receive financial help, but we gained a wonderful employee. Our project received great feedback from everyone who attended; but I felt our goal to bring the past to life was truly done when a social studies teacher thanked us for the wonderful history lesson. « Lenthousiasme, dont faisait preuve Kathleen, dans lapprentissage dune nouvelle tâche devenait... une source de motivation pour certaines de ses collègues qui partageaient avec elle leurs connaissances et leurs expériences. Elle était comme une bouffée dair frais. »
In Conclusion… Canadas heritage is one of our most valued treasures. It teaches us who we are, where we come from and what influences have shaped how the Canadian nation has developed. It serves as a bridge between generations. Young Canada Works/Heritage provides young Canadians with a unique opportunity to gain significant work experience and develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of heritage.
Young Canada Works Heritage Chantal Fortier