Los mandatos formales Español pre-AP/BI 2
Formal commands (Affirmative AND Negative) Start with the form of the verb. Drop the 3. Then put on the yo O. opposite 3rd person singular or plural ending. (él, ella, Ud. / ellos, ellas, Uds. form)
Formal Commands (+/-) -ar verbs -er/-ir verbs Ud. habl corr Uds. habl en
-car, -gar, -zar (verbos piratas) We must change the -car, -gar, or -zar in order to preserve the sound, just like we did with the “tú” form. Change -c to -qu, -g to -gu, and -z to -c. We then add the opposite ending, which will ALWAYS be -e for Ud. or -en for Uds. since these are -ar verbs!
Irregulares Dar Ud. Uds. Ir Ud. Uds. SerUd. Uds. SaberUd. Uds. EstarUd. Uds. Dar Ud. Uds. VAYA VAYAN SEA SEAN SEPA SEPAN ESTÉ ESTÉN DEN DÉ
Commands with OBJECTS PRONOUNS Follow the same rules you used with the affirmative & negative “tú” commands. AFFIRMATIVE= ATTACH (Un, Dos, Tres BAM!) NEGATIVE= 3 WORDS
¡PRACTICA! Lávese- Wash yourself! Séquense- Dry yourselves! lavarse (Ud.) _________________ secarse (Uds.)_______________ Séquense- Dry yourselves!
RECUEDA..USE “SE” because they are formal Ud. & Uds. commands 21. No lavarse __________________ (Ud.) 22. No secarse ____________________ (Uds.) 23. No comerse ____________________ ¡No se lave! Don’t wash yourself! ¡No se sequen! Don’t dry yourselves! ¡No se coman! Don’t gobble down!