Use the sheets on the desks to work out how to say all the countries in the European Union in Spanish- write the English next to the Spanish
La Unión Europea (UE) Estoy a favor de-I am in favour of… No estoy a favor de-I am not in favour of Pienso que es-I think that it is… Creo que es…-I believe that it is… Temo que es…-I fear that it is… algo positivo-something positive algo negativo-something negative algo perjudicial-something harmful los beneficios-the benefits HOW DO YOU THINK WE SAY TO BENEFIT? mejor-better peor-worse me siento-I feel no pueden-they cant puedo-I can trabajar-to work los extranjeros-foreigners en cuanto a-with regards to 1.Copy the vocab 2.In pairs, answer the questions- 1 of the pair must stay seated with the questions AT ALL TIMES
Deberes Your personal descriptions are now on the blog as Guess-Who style descriptions- leave 5 comments working out who each description is by! To be finished by Thursday 30 th October
Deberes Minimum of 50 words, typed, on your opinions of the EU