KDE Updates and Reminders September 2012
CIITS Continuous Instructional Improvement Technology System (CIITS) will continue to add resources in phases. “Banks” of items have been added to CIITS and all items may not be congruent to each standard. Teachers should be critical consumers of materials, including items. School protocol for reviewing items prior to submission
CIITS – Left/bottom side of CIITS homepage
K-PREP, Math Samplers Grades K-PREP Math Sampler questions grades 3-8, with scoring, annotations and resources to be posted soon on the KDE website - ative+resources/testing+and+reporting+/dist rict+support/link+to+released+items/sample +assessment+items+for+k-prep.htm
Quantile Score Kentucky students will be receiving a quantile score this year for grades 3 – 8, K-PREP. Quantile measures can assist educators to accurately forecast how much growth is required for students to reach state proficiency levels. Framework: Quantile%20Map_1.pdf Quantile Ranges to KCAS by Grade: 4a a04375e64d/0/quantilerangesforkcas.pdf 4a a04375e64d/0/quantilerangesforkcas.pdf
KCTM Conference Interpreting, Implementing & Assessing Kentucky Standards The 2012 KCTM Annual Conference will be held at Griffin Gate Marriott in Lexington, KY on October 27, Discounted registration deadline has been extended until September 15.
Calendar IMPORTANT DATES September 17-28EXPLORE and PLAN Testing Window KCTM conferenceOctober 27, 2012 Public Release of the school report card is set for mid- to late October The report card data will include new accountability data as well as significant online enhancements rting+/District+Support/Meetings+and+Trainings/School+Report+Card.htm
Achieve the Core
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